Recent content by Michael Berg

  1. M

    [Tinhte] XenTag

    I'm not getting all my tags in the tag cloud--I have set it to 1000 but getting much less than that--and some have dropped off,..any explanation or other setting for this? When I increased it from 200 to 500 then I got a bunch more then some started dropping off--i have about 591 tags now.
  2. M

    XF 1.4 Where to put google analytics tracking code

    Just append the tracking code to end of the existing code in google_analytics?
  3. M

    XF 1.4 Where to put google analytics tracking code

    So that would be in UA-xxxxxxx-x format?
  4. M

    XF 1.4 Where to put google analytics tracking code

    In google analytics there is a tracking code--which is javascript--- and then there is User -ID thing--which is different. The Google Analytics Web Property ID is for web id or tracking code?
  5. M

    XF 1.4 Where to put google analytics tracking code

    Want to add my site to google analytics-- "To get all the benefits of Universal Analytics for this property, copy and paste this code into every webpage you want to track. " where would I paste the code?
  6. M

    XF 1.2 Subforum List

    Yes I saw a post on how to do this a few days and now I can't find it..
  7. M

    XF 1.2 Subforum List

    So how do we have sub forums appear below the threads of its parent?--rather than above
  8. M

    Other Some database functionality

    I have a recipe forum. I would like users to be able to enter their flavors into their user profile--then be able to do a query that would result in all the recipes that are possible based on what flavorings they have--of course they could add and remove flavors from their profile as needed. I...
  9. M

    [Tinhte] XenTag

    Is there a way to get tag results on a subset of tag results? ie click a tag--get the results--then click on another tag to get only results from the first tag results. I would pay for this feature..
  10. M

    [Tinhte] XenTag

    For some reason I cannot add more than 10 tags per new thread. I have set it to 30 in the options page but still only allowed 10. What am I doing wrong?
  11. M

    Subforum Links

    Yes I agree especially would like to see the number of threads in each subforum..
  12. M

    XF 1.2 robots.txt

    So as worse case I can copy the text of the xenforo/robots.txt and create a new file and upload to the root of my domain> google webmaster tools is saying that i don't have a robots.txt file (which is true) It also says latest version seen 8/13/2014--that means I used to have one?? also...
  13. M

    CTA Login

    What happens when a user is not a member of your forum? clicks on logon with facebook--then what happens?
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