Recent content by Mephie

  1. Mephie

    UI.X Classic [Paid]

    I Finally got my head around it, thanks for the quick reply, last question if i may. Any way to center Custom Fields on the post bit as well as remove the name of the Custom Field?
  2. Mephie

    UI.X Classic [Paid]

    I did have a look but it seems I am entering the wrong details, could you give me an example of what to enter in these fields? Thanks
  3. Mephie

    UI.X Classic [Paid]

    I am trying to change navigation icons but with no luck. I know its under extra attributes but this does not work, i must be entering something wrong. Have you go an exaple I can ook at?
  4. Mephie

    [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

    Thank you! Now my next and final question would be to change the url from Featured to News. Otherwise its a brilliant addon and well worth te money, one of the best "portal" solutions I have ever used and so easy to use!
  5. Mephie

    [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

    That's true! I don't think I was being specific enough, I want the main nav to say News instead of Features. I did try and change this within public nave but I am unable to change the preset name as it is greyed out.
  6. Mephie

    [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

    Hello, is it possible to rename FEATURES to NEWS or something else? Features is a strange way or saying "this is the news".
  7. Mephie

    XF 1.5 Twitter Cards

    So this is theme specific?
  8. Mephie

    XF 1.5 Twitter Cards

    When i post a link to my site on twitter a twitter card is not generated.
  9. Mephie

    XF 1.5 Twitter Cards

    Is there a way for twitter cards to work with Xenforo? I have tried to use the card validator ( but I get a Whitelist error. Do I have to edit any kind of templates?
  10. Mephie

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    It seems without spaces section 1Section1 works but with spaces it does break
  11. Mephie

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    It seems this addon has a few issues with this theme, specifically anchor links, I can add more then one and I get this error: If i disable this theme there are no errors or issues. Any ideas?
  12. Mephie


    There seems to be some inconsistencies when using this theme with TinyMCE Anchor links are VERY buggy when tying to use more then one. Also getting this error:
  13. Mephie


    I am looking to buy this theme but I ahve a few questions, it is compatible with Xenporta 2 and Resource manager? many thanks.
  14. Mephie

    XF 1.5 Custom Thumbnail Sizes?

    Thanks Chris D, I thought it would keep the aspect ratio but was not sure. Hey Brogan, Thanks for the quick reply, so this is the only option I have, there is no addon or anything that oculd help? many thanks
  15. Mephie

    XF 1.5 Custom Thumbnail Sizes?

    I understand that you can set the size of an attachment under Home > Options > Attachments but my understanding is that this will make any image you upload have that thumbnail size if you choose to put a thumbnail into a post. If you set the size at 250 it will make all thumbnails 250x250. Is...
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