Recent content by MAVI

  1. MAVI

    Implemented Automatic upgrade / update

    I agree, future updates and or upgrades should be from Admin CP with the Super admin's permission similar to WordPress or SMF (Or should we lower our expectations :rolleyes: )
  2. MAVI

    Which forum package are you familiar with the most?

    vBulletin followed by SMF
  3. MAVI

    for Turkish speaking people / Aramizda Türk Yok mu beyler?

    XenForo will be sold under a commercial license, the details of which are still being worked out. It will be competitively priced compared to vBulletin and IPB. We expect to have an "early adopters" sale as well. XenForo ticari lisans altında satılacaktir, ayrintilari hakkinda hala calismalar...
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