Recent content by MatthewEnderle

  1. MatthewEnderle

    XF 1.2 Sidebar messed up

    Got it. I created a dupe style and started reseting templates. It was the account.css template.
  2. MatthewEnderle

    XF 1.2 Sidebar messed up

    I was just working on my style then suddenly I noticed that it messed up the navsidebar. My page that's having the issue is the Alerts page under the Novus style. If anyone would be able to help me out with a few pointers that be great. My...
  3. MatthewEnderle

    Xenforo Gold?

    Also read the date... is hyped for the release of XenForo Gold! Mar 5, 2011
  4. MatthewEnderle

    Minecraft Avatar [Paid] [Deleted]

    Yea, I just bought it last night, and haven't gotten it and his website was down. Transaction ID: 0DE--759RE-----3X
  5. MatthewEnderle

    Xenporta Block - Progress Bar

    No. This block I made doesn't increment by a fluid increment. I dont have the MercDonation plugin, but I assume that there is a template for the top bit that you could <xen include> into the sidebar somewhere.
  6. MatthewEnderle

    Xenporta Block - Progress Bar

    I made it for the uploader there and then I bought myself xenforo, so I published it here. Sorry for the confussion and I fixed the images.
  7. MatthewEnderle

    Xenporta Block - Progress Bar

  8. MatthewEnderle

    XenforoMember Tiles (Minecraft)

    MatthewEnderle submitted a new resource: XenforoMember Tiles (Minecraft) - Displays Xenforo Members' Minecraft Head in sizes respective to forum rank Read more about this resource...
  9. MatthewEnderle

    Unmaintained XenforoMember Tiles (Minecraft) 1.0.0

    Description: This is a template edit that I made for my minecraft server so that my users can feel more involved with the site. Almost all of this is configurable and usable on any site or forums software with a database. To-do's: allow secondary groups have a script to remove the steve...
  10. MatthewEnderle

    Xenporta Block - Progress Bar

    MatthewEnderle submitted a new resource: Xenporta Block - Progress Bar - Progress Bar can be scaled to show just a progress bar, a log, any media, or anything you really wan Read more about this resource...
  11. MatthewEnderle

    Unmaintained Xenporta Block - Progress Bar 1.0.0

    Information: This custom block was made by myself as a necessity for my site. Because of this I made it as powerful, but also as simple to use. Progress Bar can be scaled to show just a progress bar, a log, any media, or anything you really want. Front-end: | Example with Youtube Video...
  12. MatthewEnderle

    xenTaku [Deleted]

  13. MatthewEnderle

    xenTaku [Deleted]

    I just bought it, but I haven't gotten the download link.
  14. MatthewEnderle

    Fusion Gamer - [Deleted]

    The only differance I noticed is that it contains a Grassblock bar. Look on my site
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