Recent content by marcv

  1. marcv

    Amazon SES and max emails per second

    Wow! That’s awesome. Way back when I had requested same from them they refused and said the rate would not increase until our experience rating had more time. I explained I could never get more time because XF would error out being unable to send at the required rate. Chicken and the egg...
  2. marcv

    Amazon SES and max emails per second

    None I could find unfortunately. If you find something let me know though
  3. marcv

    Who are you using to send your forum emails ?

    Yup. That was the problem I had
  4. marcv

    Who are you using to send your forum emails ?

    I think it comes in around 30 per second
  5. marcv

    Amazon SES and max emails per second

    Just easier to let Amazon handle it and not have to use our own server as long as AWS gives us both the amount of emails and the proper sending rate to keep up.
  6. marcv

    Who are you using to send your forum emails ?

    How do you get over the Amazon SES sending rate initially? If you have a forum with say 20,000 emails that need to go out for newsletter they reduce the total you can send AND how many you can send per second. I was able to overcome the amount problem but the rate of sending was too fast on...
  7. marcv

    XF 1.5 Make all image uploads thumbnails and never full size inline

    Is there an option so all user uploaded images are inserted into messages as thumbnails and also have it so there is no option for the user to insert full size images inline? Could not find it in the Admin or here on XF forums on my search. thanks
  8. marcv

    XF 1.5 Confirm mail sent is in mail queue?

    Thanks Andy. Installed! Chris - Yes with smaller number of users I have tried 1000 to 3000 range I see the processing page top right and it takes a couple minutes to complete. Definitely did not happen with the ~13k mailer. Will do as you suggested without the unsubscribe add on active and...
  9. marcv

    XF 1.5 Confirm mail sent is in mail queue?

    In the admin after sending I immediately just got taken to the confirm page "12,856 email were sent" at the top. I did not see a rebuild caches screen after clicking send or on the following confirmation page. No message on the Admin CP home page. Server error log are clean as is the bounce...
  10. marcv

    XF 1.5 Confirm mail sent is in mail queue?

    Is there a way to confirm that mail sent via the AdminCP email users is in fact in the queue and being sent? Just did a mass email but not the typical response. Seems like nobody has received email yet (always get a couple bounces, replies, etc). Don't want to resend if in fact the queue is...
  11. marcv

    XF 1.5 Inquiries about amazon SES

    Doesn't seem viable to use SES unless you can somehow control the sendrate to conform to the SES limit per second. Some here in this thread said they had 14 and 28 per second allowed but XF can send far more than this rate. All those attempted above that rate in that second interval will be...
  12. marcv

    [TH] Mailing List [Deleted]

    This looks great. Question I have is how does it handle bounced email and unsubscribes from Mailchimp to XF? If for example we send out a mailer of 20,000 and we get 100 bounces and 200 unsubscribes does it sync back to XF and set the 100 bounces to email verification pending status? On the...
  13. marcv

    XF 1.4 Easy Unsubscribe email link?

    Regardless of whether the CAN SPAM act applies to this why wouldn't we want an unsubscribe from the customer experience perspective on emails sent from the Admin CP Email to Users function? I just sent out a small test email and realized there is no unsubscribe or way to add it to the email...
  14. marcv

    XF 1.5 How to find what post or forum an image is posted in?

    Awesome. You helped me track it down. Looks like this post was moderated so guest could not see but we could as admin. Found the image and some others on google webmasters as errored images and could see that guests were unable to view them. Wasn't sure if it was a permission issue or...
  15. marcv

    XF 1.5 How to find what post or forum an image is posted in?

    Ok checked the table. the data_id is also 958 (content_id is 9676). However going to post 958 that image is not present:
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