Recent content by Manna Central

  1. Manna Central

    Forum is extremely unsuccessful due to rival site

    They haven't. They have tried to obscure/hide it Is that allowed? @Chris D @Brogan
  2. Manna Central

    Poaching members

    Well if you have control of the domain name then you can point the DNS to your own hosting account and set up a re-direct so that if anyone goes to the old domain it will automatically redirect them to yours. Once you have control of the domain name the old website content would then become...
  3. Manna Central

    Poaching members

    Buying the domain name will get you just that, the domain name... nothing else, no content, no forum, nada. Also check how long the domain name has to run, if it is about to expire wait out, and then when the grace period has passed, buy it through normal channels. As for your troublesome mod...
  4. Manna Central

    Issue with user around deleted thread and alleged defamation

    This You need not do, or say, anything more
  5. Manna Central

    Favicon in Admin panel?

    My admin panel has my sites favicon show up
  6. Manna Central

    Users who don't "Quote" and "Reply"

    We have a lady in one of our small groups who can sometimes cause similar issues, we deal with this in a loving, directional and firm way. So my suggestion would be to open a dialogue with her, explain the the situation as you see it, and ask her kindly for her help in resolving the issue...
  7. Manna Central

    I'm done using Xenforo for any services... So many scammers...

    You just don't get it do you? Just because you can do something does not mean you should.
  8. Manna Central

    I'm done using Xenforo for any services... So many scammers...

    I just found this real great avatar on the internet, think I will download and use it here, what do you guys think?
  9. Manna Central

    Is there software to convert Phpbb to Xenforo?

    @Slavik is a XenForo staff member
  10. Manna Central

    Use Moderator Tools For Reports Or A Separate Forum?

    Thanks @Sim for that great reply, it is very much appreciated. Because of the nature of our forum I think we will probably go for the forum option. Many thanks once again to everyone who has shared their thoughts on this. :)
  11. Manna Central

    Use Moderator Tools For Reports Or A Separate Forum?

    Thanks @JRobert your reply is much appreciated
  12. Manna Central

    Use Moderator Tools For Reports Or A Separate Forum?

    @Mr Lucky many thanks for your reply, it is much appreciated.
  13. Manna Central

    XF 2.2 Rename forum node

    Rebuild your cache
  14. Manna Central

    Use Moderator Tools For Reports Or A Separate Forum?

    @JOGARA and @jeb35 many thanks for your replies and insight, it is very much appreciated :)
  15. Manna Central

    Use Moderator Tools For Reports Or A Separate Forum?

    Hi Everyone, Just wondering what everyone uses for "reports"? Do you use the moderator tools for reports of do you have reports sent to a separate forum? What are the pro's and con's of each one and which do you prefer and why? We will be setting our website and forum to go "live" this...
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