Recent content by mally

  1. M

    XF 2.2 Requesting password error "Oops! We ran into some problems".

    Im starting to see this error reported by members. Any suggestions?
  2. M

    XF 2.2 Remove subforums from home page

    The subforums of 'recruitment and vacancies' are 'current vacancies' and 'members looking for work'. No matter what I do they still appear on the forum root..
  3. M

    XF 2.2 Remove subforums from home page

    This is how it currently looks in the forum when I select none And the below is what it looks like if I select listed none below
  4. M

    XF 2.2 Remove subforums from home page

    Hi Tracy, I appreciate your help. I've checked and I'm using the default style, as below
  5. M

    XF 2.2 Remove subforums from home page

    Thankyou Tracy, ive tried the avove but unfortunately you can still see the sub forums
  6. M

    Any way to search forum for spam (old posts)

    I'm working on a old forum transferred in from vbulletin. Is there any tool I can used to check the forum for spam posts? I'm aware the forum has spam management for new posts but looking to check existing posts. thanks
  7. M

    XF 2.2 Remove subforums from home page

    Hi All I have several sub forums, like the below (under the relevant parent forum) Forum1 .......Subforum 1 .......Subforum 2 Forum 2 .......Subforum 3 .......Subforum 4 I when I go to my forum root, I want to be able to see only Forum 1 Forum 2 Currently when I go to forum root I can see...
  8. M

    XF 2.2 "Use push notifications" - How do I update all members to Yes

    Its a new option though since I transferred from vbulletin so I'd like my users to have the choice imposed on them
  9. M

    XF 2.2 "Use push notifications" - How do I update all members to Yes

    Didn't think of it morally. Thought it was being helpful. Users can of course turn it off if they want.
  10. M

    XF 2.2 "Use push notifications" - How do I update all members to Yes

    I'm wondering if anyone help me find a way to set all my members "Use push notifications" to yes. Not sure if this would be via the database or not, can anyone help? thanks
  11. M

    Native Mobile Apps [Paid]

    Hi, the price here is $149 but the price here is $239/ Is it the same item or is one better than the other?
  12. M

    XF 2.1 No longer Super Admin

    Managed to fix it using myphp. Here's the answer
  13. M

    XF 2.1 No longer Super Admin

    Sorry to bring up an old post but what was the answer?
  14. M

    XF 2.0 What's new in XenForo 2.0

    looks great
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