Recent content by makaiguy

  1. makaiguy

    XF 2.1 Where do we manage users awaiting email confirmation?

    That would be for an action by an Admin. How can a USER send HIMSELF a new confirmation email? Or is this capability gone in xf2?
  2. makaiguy

    XF 2.1 Date calculation

    PHP! Of COURSE that's what I should have been looking for! Boy, that shows how long it is since I've played with any of this stuff! I've got it doing everything I wanted now. Thanks a gazillion guys.
  3. makaiguy

    XF 2.1 Date calculation

    That's great, works a treat and eliminates some code to boot. We're almost there. I've searched but could not find a listing of the date format parameters. M gives me a 3-letter month abbreviation. Trying MMM to get the full spelled out month just gave me the abbreviation 3 times. Is...
  4. makaiguy

    XF 2.1 Date calculation

    Thanks, Jeremy. I kinda figured that. The reason I'm trying to find an alternate method is that I need to display this same thing in more than one template, so I'm doing it by having the code in a separate entity, then calling it as needed in several templates. This way I only have to...
  5. makaiguy

    XF 2.1 Date calculation

    I have a need to show as a string a date XX days in the future, formatted as MONTHNAME date, year. I'm currently doing so via: Placing an HTML id'ed div which contains a default string into the template . Calling a short javascript to calculate the future date, format it as desired and...
  6. makaiguy

    XF 2.1 Where do we manage users awaiting email confirmation?

    In XF 1.5 users who have never confirmed their email addresses could go to /index.php?account-confirmation/resend to have a new email confirmation sent to themselves. Is there an equivalent in XF 2.1?
  7. makaiguy

    XF 1.5 Trapping posts containing http in subject for moderation

    Revisiting this topic. Spammers have learned that they can bypass this trap if they create a survey poll and hide the URL in there. Is there any way to trap URLs in surveys polls? Or, prevent surveys polls from accepting URLs in the first place?
  8. makaiguy

    XF 1.5 Trapping posts containing http in subject for moderation

    Thanks, Grogan. We're trying this out.
  9. makaiguy

    XF 1.5 Trapping posts containing http in subject for moderation

    Thanks for the amazingly quick response. Does "spam phrases" work on subject lines? To be sure we're on the same page I'm looking to trap URLs in the message subject line. At this point I'm not looking to trap in the body of the message if I can help it. Would the suggested code do what I...
  10. makaiguy

    XF 1.5 Trapping posts containing http in subject for moderation

    Most of the spam posts we've been receiving lately have had subject lines containing full URLs beginning with http. Is there any way to trap these automatically and put them into the moderation queue?
  11. makaiguy

    XF 1.5 How far back do Recent Posts go?

    What determines haw far back posts are included in Recent Posts? Is it a fixed time period like 24 hours or is it a variable, perhaps like since last logon?
  12. makaiguy

    Converted from vBulletin 3.8.7 in November 2016. Still learning this beast ...

    Converted from vBulletin 3.8.7 in November 2016. Still learning this beast ...
  13. makaiguy

    XF 1.5 Submenus as screen narrows

    On our intallation, as the browser window screen is narrowed (or viewed on a mobile device with smaller screen), the items on the submenus below Forums, Members, etc., items that no longer fit on the bar drop off and are placed in a "..." drop-down at the right end of the submenu bar. These...
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