Recent content by Luke_Daniel_Rodgers

  1. Luke_Daniel_Rodgers

    Cannot Find Style Download Location!

    Hi! This is a daft question, and quite frankly rather idiotic of me, seeing as I used to use XenForo but have completely forgotten where to download them. Where, oh where, do I download styles I have previously bought? Where are my purchases kept? Thanks! - L
  2. Luke_Daniel_Rodgers

    XF 1.5 Need to create text container/wrapper/body

    Agh! Works a treat! Thank you kindly chap.
  3. Luke_Daniel_Rodgers

    XF 1.5 Need to create text container/wrapper/body

    Alas, it did not work. - I put it in the descriptive section of the page, however it displayed nought but the text itself. No background drop, no border nor block behind the text.
  4. Luke_Daniel_Rodgers

    XF 1.5 Need to create text container/wrapper/body

    Would this be directly in a CSS file, or can it be added to the pages description? Though, I'll likely try both and see what happens. Thank you kindly!
  5. Luke_Daniel_Rodgers

    XF 1.5 Need to create text container/wrapper/body

    Hi! I'm wondering if there is a code for creating a "text-background" or a physical text "wrapper". For instance, here is my website: As you can see, the text and image do not have a background, or wrapper box of their own; it is simply showing the websites background. This can cause issues...
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