Recent content by lucien_lies

  1. lucien_lies

    Have you ever thought about making an AI Bots addon? You have experience with the OpenAI API 👀

    Have you ever thought about making an AI Bots addon? You have experience with the OpenAI API 👀
  2. lucien_lies

    [AP] Daily Goals

    Logged In Logged Out Im using pixelexit bolt style , also notice that the members goal dont have any color
  3. lucien_lies

    we need a new AI bot addon :(

    we need a new AI bot addon :(
  4. lucien_lies

    How to archive a XenForo forum to make it read-only

    Hi, will this work with xf 2.2?
  5. lucien_lies

    [DCom] Live Content [Paid]

    I have noticed that it works when I exit the tab and re-enter, what can it be?
  6. lucien_lies

    [DCom] Live Content [Paid]

    idkw is not working for me :( Workerman version:4.1.13 PHP version:8.1.13 start time:2024-02-19 01:41:47 run 0 days 0 hours load average: 0.16, 0.17, 0.17 event-loop:\Workerman\Events\Event 3 workers 3 processes worker_name exit_status exit_count ChannelServer...
  7. lucien_lies

    [XenConcept] Pre-watched forum users [Paid]

    Hi, this work with already registered users?
  8. lucien_lies

    [OzzModz] Verification Badges [Paid]

    I apologize for asking this question here, but could you send me the URL of your website privately? I would like to see how this addon looks in responsive mode, as it seems like a great addition to my forum.
  9. lucien_lies

    Number of visitors

    you can try this addon
  10. lucien_lies

    [OzzModz] Email Whitelist

    I am attempting to use a wildcard () to permit any email client that ends with .com (e.g., However, I am experiencing difficulties in doing so. The intention is to broaden the range of acceptable email domains instead of restricting users to a specific client like Gmail (i.e...
  11. lucien_lies

    XF 2.2 Option to mass edit privacy settings

    I need to change all my members privacy options in bulk and I don't see such option in the batch edit users, Is there any SQL query to do something like that?
  12. lucien_lies

    GTA VI TRAILER :love::love: [MEDIA]

    GTA VI TRAILER :love::love:
  13. lucien_lies

    Xenforo 2.2.13 Spanish translation COMPLETE (Include XF, XFMG, XFRM, XFI)

    you need to unzip and upload the XML files, not the .rar file.
  14. lucien_lies

    Another year extension purchased 😌

    Another year extension purchased 😌
  15. lucien_lies

    AI Phrase Translation by Siropu [Paid]
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