Recent content by Lsdeep

  1. Lsdeep

    XFRM - Bypass moderation

    there used to be an addon (XFRM - Bypass Resource Moderation/Approval) doing exactly that. something that should be standard in xfrm as far as i am concerned. however it is deleted for some reason or other. i was wondering if anybody is aware of a similar addon allowing role based moderation...
  2. Lsdeep

    [TH] Indicate Threads with Staff Replies [Deleted]

    ok great (well not really, but you know what i mean). i was still having my doubts if i am missing something you will hit me with the xenforo manual on the head for ;). glad it is replicate-able on your end as well and we can look forward to a fix in the near future. thx for taking the time to...
  3. Lsdeep

    [TH] Indicate Threads with Staff Replies [Deleted]

    i was actually able to replicate the same on a clean install, only having RM and the addon on it cheers, L
  4. Lsdeep

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    same issue here. sometimes all roles get applied properly others nothing happen even after days. seems to be mainly the forum -> discord direction here as well. L
  5. Lsdeep

    [TH] Indicate Threads with Staff Replies [Deleted]

    just a little note about a problem i came across while trying to fix a friends xf2.1.3 forum. with the addon being active it causes a permission problem for pretty much everything once a new user signs up (at least the automated way with with email confirmation). as soon as the user confirms his...
  6. Lsdeep

    [Jazzaaf] xenAntiVirus

    fair enough. thx for the fast response. looking forward to a XFRM/ XFRM included version in future. cheers, L
  7. Lsdeep

    [Jazzaaf] xenAntiVirus

    hi jazz_aaf. first of all thx for the addon. it works great in my sandbox (as far as i can tell from limited testing). def. extremely useful for forums with lots of attachment traffic. now my actual question. so far it seems to work for forum attachments only. we are working on a new community...
  8. Lsdeep

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    you can do that in your nodes tree - discord setting for each single one ;)
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