Recent content by Louise Williams

  1. L

    require more accessibility with screen Readers

    I came by to start a thread about this. I have members who have to use the (genuinely not good) third party app to be able to use my forum in any way because they are visually impaired and using a screen reader. One of them used to own the forum for years when we were on Vbulletin and used a...
  2. L

    [ForumApps] Native Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

    @Aayush I have sent you a support message / email about expired certificate that you originally made. It is causing errors on our forum. Please reply ASAP. Thank you!
  3. L

    [ForumApps] Native Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

    Hi @Aayush - we have an open ticket with you. Please could you get in touch about how we proceed with configuring the app on the forum? We have errors on the server and you said it had been configured but in the forum admin the fields are all still empty - we need to know what is going on please.
  4. L

    [ForumApps] Native Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

    @Aayush I am sending you support emails still for the past 2-3 days and getting no reply. Please can you look into this?
  5. L

    [ForumApps] Native Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

    @Aayush just tried to reply to the ticket to let you know about the apple developer account but my mails are failing to deliver - 550 The mail server could not deliver mail to ****. The account or domain may not exist, they may be blacklisted, or missing the proper dns entries. Please can you...
  6. L

    [ForumApps] Native Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

    Thank you for replying/helping :) - got your ticket reply.
  7. L

    [ForumApps] Native Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

    Hi @Aayush - is anyone answering support tickets for this? We have raised 3 tickets about the app - the last one [Ticket ID: 271565] - nobody replies to our questions ever since we paid. If we cannot get a reply/assistance to install the API we will require a refund.
  8. L

    Development/Server Help

    Hi, I am not sure at all this is in the right place, so if not please can someone move it? (with my apologies!) Long story short, I need help/recommendations for folks who know way way way more than I do about websites who can help me fix ours. The problems I know about are: The redirects...
  9. L

    XenForo accessibility - for Visually impaired

    I know this is very old - however there was an update on jaws that allows to disable parts that has now made xenforo work exceptionally well with the JAWS accessibility reader program. It no longer tries to read everything on the page all the time- and allows it to only read commonly...
  10. L

    Looking for Help / Recommendations

    I don't know if I am allowed to post this here and I am sorry if not. We have a forum with arrowchat plugged into it which has worked absolutely fine for over a year with no issues. Tonight we believe someone hacked arrowchat and the arrowchat admin vanished - does anyone know of anyone who has...
  11. L

    This Pressure to go to SSL is intense!

    Hello, Please provide the CSR for the domain. and Confirm the 9.95/yr price. Thanks! -- Donald Bennett xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx *Please note that tickets are automatically closed after 7 days with no reply. If you need additional support on any issue and the ticket was closed, simply...
  12. L

    XF 1.5 Security Question

    Yes, I agree that this is a really good idea. I will look at what we can do about this.
  13. L

    XF 1.5 Security Question

    Thank you - I will look into how to do that :)
  14. L

    XF 1.5 Security Question

    The guy in question isn't in the UK or the US - I don't think the police of his country would actually care, though thank you for the advice. I have changed all the admin passwords and all the server passwords just to be safe (though I don't know how he'd have got those anyway) It's good about...
  15. L

    XF 1.5 Security Question

    I have no idea what a compromised script is or might look like - is there any way I can check?
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