Recent content by LennardF1989

  1. LennardF1989

    Global Topics

    I'm a huge fan of template modifications for this purpose, this way you can just install my addon and modify the behavior without messing with its core :)
  2. LennardF1989

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    I've been observing your Pro version on your website, is there a particular reason you disabling caching when its requesting the messages.html in Speed mode? Especially given this call is done (by default) every 2 seconds, thats a lot of wasted KB's you are sending around. In "refreshShoutbox"...
  3. LennardF1989

    TaigaChat - AJAX Shoutbox [Deleted]

    Thats also because XenForo is just REALLY good with his addons (and thats why I love it, too). For one of my clients forums I wrote an addon completely replacing the login-mechanic, and all kinds of additions to the forum that could be described as low-level replacements. This was for v1.1, I...
  4. LennardF1989

    TaigaChat - AJAX Shoutbox [Deleted]

    Here is a addon xml that works on XenForo 1.4.5, I manually ported everything, went over the templates and suhc to make sure everything still works. For convience, I also added a Template Modification to get the chatbox above your forum, it still needs to be enabled. You are obviously free to...
  5. LennardF1989

    Global Topics

    I can upgrade, but it works out of the box for any version higher. I upgraded the forum I manage and haven't had to touch a single line of code!
  6. LennardF1989

    XenForo_Model override issue (perhaps?)

    If I remove it from one of the cases, one of the two will not have the prepareStateLimitFromConditions overwritten, so that can't be the solution, right?
  7. LennardF1989

    XenForo_Model override issue (perhaps?)

    A little bit more information... case 'XenForo_Model_Thread': $extend[] = 'MyExtension_Model'; //Contains the prepareStateLimitFromConditions override $extend[] = 'MyExtension_Model_Thread'; //Contains other overrides break; case 'XenForo_Model_Post': $extend[] =...
  8. LennardF1989

    XenForo_Model override issue (perhaps?)

    No one knows? Or is my case unclear?
  9. LennardF1989

    XenForo_Model override issue (perhaps?)

    Hello everyone, I have been working on an extension for a client of mine and ran across a slight problem, which I managed to solve, but with a workaround. Consider the following: - XenForo_Model has a method called "prepareStateLimitFromConditions" I want to override. - I have a...
  10. LennardF1989

    Global Topics

    I have installed a seperate clean 1.2.1 and installed the add-on on that and I can assure you it worked fine. Do you have any other add-ons installed and did you follow the instructions to the letter?
  11. LennardF1989

    How important is it to download XF on the proper account?

    Sounds like legal talk to me. Unless the different licenses have different official add-ons tied to them, I reckon the contents of the ZIPs are exactly the same, seeing as you don't actually have to install a license on your forum nor that it seems to "phone home". Having a license key in this...
  12. LennardF1989

    Global Topics

    Yes, 1. Create a new forum node or pick an existing node (optionally uncheck "Display in node list" to hide it from view). 2. Click said node to edit it and look in the URL for an ID, for example. 3. Go to your options and...
  13. LennardF1989

    Global Topics

    It's something I have attempted, but it required a lot more code and template work than how I did it now. However, I think you can get pretty far with some CSS magic. If that's not enough, there's always the thread_list template.
  14. LennardF1989

    XenForo action question

    As I got to know XenForo pretty well over the last few months and really loving how it works internally, I decided to setup a small CMS project roughly based on XenForo's methodology with its autoloading based on class-names and being able to dynamically resolve classes (which is a pretty darn...
  15. LennardF1989

    Global Topics

    Only if you uncheck "Display in the node list" in your Announcements forum. Otherwise, if you make it a private node using permissions, people won't be able to read the topic. There are ways around this limitation though, but it would kind of affect the no-nonsense thing I'm after.
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