Recent content by KyleK

  1. KyleK

    [XTR] Account Details and Privacy Control [Paid]

    Finding it real hard to register on the site so I can purchase this. Keep getting this message - Your registration has been rejected as it resembles spam-like or automated behavior. Please contact the administrator for further information or assistance. Who can I talk to about this?
  2. KyleK

    UI.X 2

    Nevermind, fixed this issue.
  3. KyleK

    UI.X 2

    Is there a way to turn off or remove the style chooser in settings? I just want to have members use the old style chooser thats at the bottom of the page now. Or hide all the un selectable styles (marked with asterisk).
  4. KyleK

    [XFA] Default editor format - XF2 [Paid]

    Does this work with 2.2.6?
  5. KyleK

    Welcome thread [Paid]

    We have been getting people banned during registration getting a welcome thread. Our registered usergroup is 2 and banned usergroup is 8. Any ideas what we can change to stop this?
  6. yorkie.jpg


  7. KyleK

    Editor & BB Code Manager

    Wating for this also.
  8. KyleK

    Shoutbox by Siropu [Paid]

    Everything works except the smilie link with 2.2 RC1.
  9. KyleK

    Birthday thread [Paid]

  10. KyleK

    Birthday thread [Paid]

    Can you change or add to the thread being created? - Wishing you a wonderful birthday,
  11. KyleK

    [tl] Style Permissions [Paid]

    Does this work with 2.1.9? I just installed it and usergroups who dont have permission to use a style - when they click on the style they get the style. So say style Blue - admin only - registered usergroup member sees it, clicks on it and gets style Blue.
  12. KyleK

    XF 2 (Paid) Need 4 Excel Sheets Embedded Into 4 Threads - First Post Of Each Thread

    Thanks sbj for letting me know about the Editor & BB Code Manager, works great and just what we needed!
  13. KyleK

    XF 2 (Paid) Need 4 Excel Sheets Embedded Into 4 Threads - First Post Of Each Thread

    On vb4 before just switching over to xenForo I have been using excel spreadsheets as a running leaderboard for our poker club. Each sheet was embedded to the first post of a thread, we have 4 threads set up as our running 4 leaderboard. Now I find out that with xenForo 2 you are not allowed...
  14. KyleK

    [TH] Holidays

    Just wondering if theres a way to have the snow falling only on forum home? And one more, where can you increase the size of the trees (tree.png - tree-muted.png) used as forum icons?
  15. KyleK

    Login as User (LAU2)

    Now you cant register on his site.
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