Recent content by Kurt

  1. Kurt

    [bd] API

    has anyone tested this with xf 1.4 ?
  2. Kurt

    [bd] API

    hey @xfrocks been using this for about a year now without issues. However, moving each new user into the correct XF Group is killing my time. Which file (and line of code) in this package defines which user group a new user from Wordpress to XF, gets assigned too? --> user creates account in...
  3. Kurt

    XF 1.3 Display Icon based on Group in Thread View

    worked like a charm - thank you!
  4. Kurt

    XF 1.3 Email notifications based on Group

    thanks.. ill search the add-ons
  5. Kurt

    XF 1.3 Email notifications based on Group

    I want to get a notification when someone that's part of a group post a new thread. Can this be done via existing xenforo config? Anyone know of an add on or how to enable this? Thanks
  6. Kurt

    XF 1.3 Display Icon based on Group in Thread View

    How do I add a small icon somewhere on the thread list page, as seen below. The icon will only show if the user is part of group "xyz? - I need to be able to easily identify post from groups xyz when skimming the threads. Thanks
  7. Kurt

    XF 1.3 Google+ Page follow icon Branding Issue

    didn't even think of entire site review, you're probably correct - thank you sir!
  8. Kurt

    XF 1.3 Google+ Page follow icon Branding Issue I saw that it said Google+ Page follow icon, but that thing isn't related to the project (API) I had to create for the sign-in integration.. so confused.
  9. Kurt

    XF 1.3 Google+ Page follow icon Branding Issue

    thanks, but that's not it.. I've submitted a ticket for clarification... we shall see...
  10. Kurt

    XF 1.3 Google+ Page follow icon Branding Issue

    After implementing SSO with XF1.3 I received the following email. Thanks for being a valued partner and using the Google+ Platform. We've recently become aware that your use of this feature does not follow our branding guidelines at In...
  11. Kurt

    WordPress Plugin: XenForo API Consumer [Deleted]

    Sorry for the questions - How many wordpress tags can I map to XF nodes? Based on your screen shot it looks like only 2. I need 32 (more would be great) -
  12. Kurt

    XF 1.2 Post New Thread button

    What xf code and templates do I need to modify to add the "Post New Thread" button to the follow pages. (users complain about finding it at first so I'm trying to make it easier) 1. thread page - under or around "reply to post" and on top of page similar to how it appears on node page. 2...
  13. Kurt

    WordPress Plugin: XenForo API Consumer [Deleted]

    Guess I'll wait for the update - or you can give me beta download rights @ your website and I'll test tonight for you and post results / logs etc - I'm "Kurt" on your website.
  14. Kurt

    WordPress Plugin: XenForo API Consumer [Deleted]

    can you give ETA for WP as master? Many thanks
  15. Kurt

    WordPress Plugin: XenForo API Consumer [Deleted]

    It would be beyond nice.. it would close the biggest gap between XF and WP. I've found people posting jobs on ELANCE etc paying developers to make this "wordpress as master" functionality.. The developer that brings it to this marketplace first, wins. Wish I had that level of talent!!!
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