Recent content by Klaudius

  1. Klaudius

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    Pm sent ;)
  2. Klaudius

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    @cclaerhout Cedric please help me if you can
  3. Klaudius

    [bd] Widget Framework

    No one? @xfrocks doesn't answer anymore... I'm looking for a devloper, I can pay.
  4. Klaudius

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    This is clear but I can't resize only the emoticons, do you know how to do it?
  5. Klaudius

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    Hi Cedric, I use the dev tool and I found the code to resize the emoticons inside the smiley picker and inside a post but I don't find the code to resize them inside of the editor, I'm able to only resize all images but obv isn't the correct way :( @cclaerhout
  6. Klaudius

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    Hi Cedric, How can I resize the emoticons inside the smilies picker? I don't find the class :unsure: EDIT Found, if someone needs to do the same this is the code .smilieCategory img EDIT 2 Now I've this trouble How can I solve it? @cclaerhout
  7. Klaudius

    Smiley Manager

    The XML importer works fine? I have an error if I try to import a xml file
  8. Klaudius

    [bd] Widget Framework

    I'm interested to fix only one widget, not all the sidebar. Googling I found some addon for Wordpress, ex: I think that I have to add margin top and a query but I don't know how to do :( PS I'm also interested to insert the breadcrumb inside...
  9. Klaudius

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Hey guys, someone know how to block the scroll down of the sidebar when the last widget is at the top? @xfrocks Example:
  10. Klaudius

    [Tinhte] XenTag

    Hi @Dinh Thanh , Is there a way to enable the hashtag for profile post and divide the research of tag and hashtag?
  11. Klaudius

    Double Post Preventer

    +101, same question :) @tdev
  12. Klaudius

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    Hi Cedric, thank for the reply. What do you meand with minified file? In plugin.min,js I don't find "name.lenght > 2" EDIT Done, thanks for the help :)
  13. Klaudius

    TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

    Hi guys, yesterday I have installed this addon and now I have a problem with the users tag. I had already install "BD Tag me" before. By default if I try to tag someone I don't have the suggestion box. If I set YES for the "XenForo user tagging integration" I've the suggestion box but I can't...
  14. Klaudius

    Custom Tabs

    Hi @Siropu Is there a way to use an internal link with this addon? I want to add a "Profile" tab with the link {xen:link members, $visitor} Thanks ;)
  15. Klaudius

    XF 1.3 Hiding visitor panel on conversation thread

    I missed the FAQ page... very helpful, thank you Brogan ;)
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