Recent content by KingVitiate

  1. K

    XF 1.5 Installation Error (404 not found)

    The picture I posted above in the thread displays. "404 Not Found"
  2. K

    XF 1.5 Installation Error (404 not found)

    Hello everyone, it seems that I've run into some issues while trying to install Xenforo once again. I've created a /community/ directory (all Xenforo installation files are located in this folder) in my root web folder (/var/www/). When I visit, I keep getting this...
  3. K

    XF 1.3 Renaming "Forums" tab?

    Is it possible to rename the "Forums" tab to just "Forum?" If so, how would I do it? Thanks in advance!
  4. K

    XF 1.3 Object id #17 at installation

    I get this when trying to install Xenforo: Any ideas or suggestions?
  5. K

    XF 1.2 Removing "Members" in Navigation Bar?

    Just to make sure, I apply this in the EXTRA.css?
  6. K

    XF 1.2 Removing "Members" in Navigation Bar?

    Completely new to Xenforo. I'm having a bit of trouble removing the "Members" tab in the navigation bar. I have a skin, and running on 1.2.2. I've already tried this code: .navTabs .navTab.members.PopupClosed { display: none; } Doesn't seem to work with that code. Any help? Thanks!
  7. K

    Other payment options?

  8. K

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    My views don't update for the portal: When I actually go to the section it was posted in, it shows the view count there: Any ideas why? The only things I've changed is export files from my old domain, to my new one. Would that be why? If so, should I uninstall then reinstall Xenporta?
  9. K

    Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

    Errors when using the ' (apostrophe) sign. I get this to display instead of the apostrophe: 's
  10. K

    Flexile Dark The theme isn't lined up correctly, as you can see the nav bar links are just floating, and the search bar is way off the mark.
  11. K

    XF 1.2 Theme not lined up? The theme isn't lined up correctly, as you can see the nav bar links are just floating, and the search bar is way off the mark.
  12. K

    Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

    I need help. I installed everything, and yet, it didn't create a "Form" in the nav bar.
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