Recent content by Kimiko

  1. K

    XF 1.3 registered feeds control

    I am trying to set up some registered feeds to automatically post some news updates but I am having a small problem with it. The system for registered feeds gets too much historical data from the feeds. For example let's say I create the feed this morning, it will grab all the latest items as...
  2. K

    How long have you been running forums?

    Ran various free hosted forums since early 2000's but only got serious in 2010 when launching a fansite for a MMO game. That website is prisoner to vbulletin 4.x due to various plugins used on it that don't exist on XF, otherwise I would have migrated that to XF nearly 2 years ago. Currently...
  3. K

    [bd] Banking

    Is there a way to remove the dollar sign ($) from the currency listings? Renamed the money to "Gold" but it's looking weird with $'s next to the numerical listings.
  4. K

    Profile Completion Steps [Paid] [Deleted]

    Would it be possible for this add-on to give users virtual currency (with a 3rd party add-on) upon completion of each step? The way I see it: 1) specify table and field in the general options of this add-on that your currency add-on uses (BD banking for example) 2) specify for each task how...
  5. K

    XF 1.1 Scale up "L" avatars

    Thanks, that makes it look a bit less silly at least. We'll still need to figure out how to make it scaled up though.
  6. K

    XF 1.1 Scale up "L" avatars

    Hello, I have followed some instructions from various threads here on how to increase the size of avatars on the posts area. I've set the max avatar size to 200x200 with a simple php edit, set the appropriate template to use the L avatar instead of M. It's all working wonderfully unless...
  7. K

    Add-on [paid] add functionality to an add-on

    The plugin is xenshop, the version I currently have is only for purchasing icons/graphics, and it has a built-in points system. I want to add the following features: 1) username change using the already existing shop system and built-in currency system of this plug-in, while making sure the...
  8. K

    Add-on [paid] add functionality to an add-on

    Hello, I'm in a bit of a situation here. A few months ago I paid for access to an add-on which was still in development, since then not much has happened. For whatever the reason may be there has been no word from the original developer on the features I was expecting, in fact as far as I can...
  9. K

    xenshop? or an equivalent mod

    Hello, Back in January I had started working on migrating my website to xenforo, and the only big piece missing was a shop system. I found this system: I then had to concentrate on other things until recently, and now I'm working on...
  10. K

    XF 1.1 old URLs redirect issue

    That got it working, thanks a lot! I can finally move on to the less stressful parts of migrating thanks to this.
  11. K

    XF 1.1 old URLs redirect issue

    Yeah I tried to do one myself for members, but since both use "/members/" I have no clue what to do. I'll try some more tomorrow after work but I'm no good with regular expressions or mod rewrite in general.
  12. K

    XF 1.1 old URLs redirect issue

    Something is horribly wrong with the add-on creator's first post then :unsure: I see this description of it:
  13. K

    vBulletin 4.x URL Redirection

    This issue has been resolve in another thread I made: However now there is another problem that came up, the thread and forums work which is the most important, but then the URLs for member results in the xenforo error "The...
  14. K

    XF 1.1 old URLs redirect issue

    Thanks! That fixed it for forums and threads. So simple yet I didn't see it mentioned in the thread for that add-on. The URLs for members are still not working so I'll see with the add-on creator what might be going on.
  15. K

    vBulletin 4.x URL Redirection

    I am getting redirected to the forum home page when following all old links from the vbulletinlink structure. After I follow the 5 steps under "Mod_Rewrite URLs:" If I disable the add on it then gives "page not found". My .htaccess file is the default one that comes with xenforo...
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