Recent content by KeyCAPTCHA Team

  1. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    You can try KeyCAPTCHA v2.1 - it has a little bit differ integration and it should helps. We tried to repeat such error on our server but with no result, so I cannot why there are no keycaptcha option in captcha types(
  2. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    May be you haven't upload files from 'upload' directory of the plugin? Could you open support ticket on if it doesn't help?
  3. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    It looks like a typo. May be you have some helper extension, which case such error I guess you should replace KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS to KeyCAPTCHACLASS in library/KeyCAPTCHA/KeyCAPTCHA.php Our plugin was tested on xF 1.3beta and it works fine on new xF 1.3 Please open support ticket at
  4. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    It should. jigsaw works fine nearly in all browsers (you can test it on
  5. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    Hi! Did you update templates?
  6. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    Server issue problem with registration

    If you are using KeyCAPTCHA you can use following trick: 1 Check in browser link - you should see your server current time. 2 Go to member area>site list>Settings>Additional and uncheck flag "Allow outgoing request" and...
  7. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    KeyCAPTCHA Team updated KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA with a new update entry: Update fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    Unmaintained KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA - Update fixes

    To update plugin please uninstall old one and install new one. 2.2 update fix issue with XenForo updates and plugin updates.
  9. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    It was problems on some Domain Name Servers.
  10. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    KeyCAPTHCA plugin works fine with XenForo 1.2RC (just tested). You may try to uninstall/install addon. If it doesn't help, please open support ticket at Please follow installation instruction:
  11. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    The poll is available here. Voting ends on July 31. Best regards, KeyCAPTCHA
  12. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    Hello blemex, Sure, you can use KeyCAPTCHA. But you need to add both websites in your account at Best regards, KeyCAPTCHA
  13. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    Since last week we see a lot of manual spammers from Indonesia.
  14. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    If KeyCAPTCHA doesn't work on your site it may be 2 variants: 1. You didn't configure plugin in right way 2. It was manual spammers. Please, open support ticket for investigation.
  15. KeyCAPTCHA Team

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    Great news! Next week we will celebrate 3 years of our service. That is why we have a gift to our customers who registered before June 4, 2013. The gift is a free 3-month usage of a paid KeyCAPTCHA enhancement. So, what enhancement would you prefer? 1. Magnetic 2. M+ 3. Personal Please post...
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