Recent content by key

  1. key

    [WMTech] User Self Delete LITE

    Great resource Chris. Quick question. For some reason, the Delete Account link in the Account Dropdown isn't appearing in the unordered list, and is at the top of a second column. I'd rather it be elsewhere, like under Preferences. What's the best way to do this? Here's a screenshot:
  2. key

    Xenforo inside a Wordpress page.

    I'd contribute to a XF/WP Bridge that could: Pull in WP's menu system Create threads automatically for posts Search across both XF/WP
  3. key

    Identities not showing

    Thank you Jake. I checked Display Location and it was already set correctly. The template was customized and I reverted it. That fixed the problem.
  4. key

    Identities not showing

    Jake, Thanks for the reply. I just put an entry in AIM for my account on this board, and made sure privacy setting are correct, and it shows up as it should on the info tab in my profile. But when I do the same on the Xenforo board I admin, it doesn't show up. Screenshots of my settings...
  5. key

    Identities not showing

    I think I must be missing something. I'm not seeing any identity information for members. Even for myself. If I click on my profile photo I get the pop-up. I then select "Profile Page and that takes me to my profile with 4 tabs: Profile Posts Recent Activity Postings Information Clicking...
  6. key

    Description for RSS

    Great resource Chris! I'm seeing something strange in the feed though. When someone adds a new reply to a thread, the first post of the thread is what gets published via RSS, rather than the latest reply. Is there any way to change this, or have I done something wrong? Thanks!
  7. key

    Category-Forum Numbers in URL

    Phillip (or anyone else) Where do you find it removing numbers from urls in the AdminCP? I've been huntin with no luck!
  8. key

    WordPress get Last Forum Posts

    Thanks Easy. Site is
  9. key

    WordPress get Last Forum Posts

    I made the switch to PDO. Getting the same results, with a slightly different error message:
  10. key

    WordPress get Last Forum Posts

    I've installed and set everything up but I'm seeing some strange behavior. I'm using the Arras WP theme so I have a Tabbed Sidebar widget in use (which displays 3 tabs). When Last Forum Posts is active and the widget is in my sidebar, I'm seeing the first of the Tabbed Sidebar tabs repeated as a...
  11. key Affiliate Direct to Cart Auto Embed [Deleted]

    Thanks! Didn't realize it was that straight forward.
  12. key Affiliate Direct to Cart Auto Embed [Deleted]

    Wondering about something. If I paste a link like this: It'll change to a link that looks like this and correctly inserts the Associates ID: Product B000AERPP4 (although it goes to...
  13. key

    Missing the missing styling manual....

    Yeah, it is confusing, since SP seems to funcion a different way. If the Navigation Tab SP were broken into 2 states (as the Sub-Links are) then it wouldn't be as messy as it is. Although I do think the naming scheme I mentioned above might be clearer...
  14. key

    Missing the missing styling manual....

    I found some of that too. In those cases, I end up having to hunt down exactly where in SP to make the change. Adds another layer of frustration. I definitely understand the reasoning, but I do think that if someone did more QA on the SPs, they would find a number of inconsistencies. The...
  15. key

    Moving / Combining Nav Tabs

    Thanks for the suggestion on the Inbox and Alerts. It is a sort of tricky problem.... And ideas for moving Members and Help, without actually hiding them? I don't actually want to hide those, just move them to the other tabs that relate to the Forum. So I want to go from this: To this...
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