Recent content by Katsuro

  1. Katsuro

    NoOverlightenedTextColor 1.0.0

    This addon simply dynamically recolors any text on forum, if it's conflicting with current theme (too dark on dark mode, or too bright on light mode). Works on both dark and light mode themes. Tested on XF 2.2, but should work on 2.1 too. Not sure about 2.3
  2. Katsuro


    Katsuro submitted a new resource: NoOverlightenedTextColor - Recolors any text in messages if text color conflicts with the current style color Read more about this resource...
  3. Katsuro

    XenForo Wonderful Search [Paid]

    Main difference between ElasticSearch and MeiliSearch is the performance. As described in thread and displayed in video above, there's a huge difference between these both There are also many new options in add-on itself, like in Similar threads widget, synonyms, per-node and per-usergroup...
  4. Katsuro

    XenForo Wonderful Search [Paid]

    Yes, it's done and add-on already has this feature
  5. Katsuro

    XF 2.2 White Screen

    sounds like rebuild master data is required go to
  6. Katsuro

    Node style override won't update effective style id if deleted

    How about this? $nodes = $this->finder('XF:Node') ->where('style_id', $id) ->fetch(); $db->beginTransaction(); /** @var \XF\Entity\Node $node */ foreach ($nodes AS $node) { $node->style_id = 0; $node->save(true, false); } $db->commit();
  7. Katsuro

    Node style override won't update effective style id if deleted

    In XF\Entity\Style::_postDelete() Developers made a effective style id reset like this: $db->update('xf_node', [ 'style_id' => 0, 'effective_style_id' => 0 ], "style_id = ? OR effective_style_id = ?", [$id, $id]); so effective_style_id won't get recalculated, because XF\Entity\Node...
  8. Katsuro

    Command "xf-dev:import" is ambiguous.

    It seems xf-dev:import is broken on 2.2.15. Due to broken xf-dev:import, xf-addon:install fails too /var/www/html # php cmd.php xf-addon:install Katsuro/TestAddon Please confirm that you want to install the following add-on: (TestAddon 1.0.0 Beta) (y/n)y Installing Complete. In Application.php...
  9. Katsuro

    nginx-related manual security fault

    In XenForo 2.x manual, where nginx webserver configuration described, there's a potential security fault related to php scripts: this setup, every visitor still can execute any php scripts behind protected folders, like src, internal_data...
  10. Katsuro

    XenForo Wonderful Search [Paid]

    Katsuro submitted a new resource: XenForo Wonderful Search - An enhanced version of the XenForo search system which uses MeiliSearch as search engine Read more about this resource...
  11. Katsuro

    Beta XenForo Wonderful Search 1.0.0

    XenForo Wonderful Search is an innovative search add-on that replacing a built-in XenForo search engine by the lightweight, but hyper-relevant MeiliSearch, to provide forums a better search experience without requiring a lot of calculation resources. I definitely should mention that MeiliSearch...
  12. Katsuro

    Search is not returning correct results for "title only"

    That's admin business to setup disallowed often used words in tags: /admin.php?options/groups/tagging/#tagValidation As you can see, it's not done there
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