Recent content by karlin

  1. K

    XF 2.2 Importing animated smilies from vB

    I realised I can also load them by downloading individual smiley gifs I find online (I like the old school ones) and uploading individually to the smilies section. Thanks for your help! Nothing makes you feel old like finding that a smiley site gives code links to add a given smiley to your...
  2. K

    XF 2.2 Importing animated smilies from vB

    I'll see if that works now ... that worked for you for animated smilies as opposed to static ones?
  3. K

    XF 2.2 Importing animated smilies from vB

    I've a folder of smilies that imported over from my old vB forum, many of them animated (as per the manual, the smilies folder was there from the import, in the Content > Smilies section, and I tried an import into the XF smilies section). They worked fine on vB 4.x. None of them work on XenForo...
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