Recent content by Kait18

  1. Kait18


    @Audentio Thanks for the reply! I've just created a support ticket! :D
  2. Kait18

    Learning some more PHP ~ :)

    Learning some more PHP ~ :)
  3. Kait18


    @Audentio Hi! I bought the installation service for UI.X, and I sent you an e-mail about it. In my e-mail, I was asking you, would you need any details to proceed in arranging the installation? I was wondering, could you tell me the details you'd need? Thanks! :)
  4. Kait18

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    Okay, thanks. By the way, does the addon support BungeeCord?
  5. Kait18

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    Thanks, re uploading it worked. Now I have another problem though, the new block is messing up my site a bit: Any idea on how to fix this?
  6. Kait18

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    I uploaded it manually to the xenporta folder, through FTP. Should I re-upload it from the xenporta install blocks page?
  7. Kait18

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    @shadrxninga Okay, thanks! Also, I have another question. Any idea why the heads in my server status block look like steve? Also, it doesn't show players name when I hover over a head.
  8. Kait18

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    @shadrxninga Okay, also, I have an outdated template, "herodev_minecraftstatus_widget_status.css", any idea on how to fix it? Here's how the template looks like: .minecraftServer { postition: relative; } .minecraftServer:not(:last-child){ margin-bottom: 10px; }...
  9. Kait18

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    @shadrxninga Thanks for the update! Just asking, will this work with xenporta 2.0 (when it gets released) ?
  10. Kait18

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    I'd also love that feature! :D @shadrxninga Hi! Any idea on how to refresh the server status block every 5 minutes? It isn't refreshing itself with that interval, as you can see on the picture below :) Here is how the cron task looks like: Any idea on how to make it refresh with the Interval...
  11. Kait18

    XF 1.2 [SOLVED] Table border

    What do you mean with applying it to the cell directly? Could you please show me an example? Edit: Tried it and it worked, thanks! :D
  12. Kait18

    XF 1.2 [SOLVED] Table border

    @Brogan Thanks for the reply. It's still showing the border. Is there another way to fix it? :)
  13. Kait18

    XF 1.2 [SOLVED] Table border

    Hello, I am trying to make a table without borders in a page-node, but the borders won't dissapear. Here's my css: <style type="text/css"> table{ width: 55%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center; border...
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