Recent content by JoseFebus

  1. JoseFebus

    XF 1.2 After moving to a directory, how to redirect indexed content?

    Thanks, but my concern is to redirect only requests from xenforo links. I will install WP in the root, so I don't want ALL request to be redirected. It is OK to create a directory called "threads" and put a .htaccess to redirect to the new directory?
  2. JoseFebus

    XF 1.2 After moving to a directory, how to redirect indexed content?

    Hi, I am planing to move XenForo to a directory and have Wordpress as the home page to host the articles. Is there a way to redirect the already indexed content to the new directory? I have in the forum several areas with articles and plan to copy that content to Wordpress and leave XenForo...
  3. JoseFebus

    XF 1.2 Modifying the Meta Description

    Thanks Jeremy! I was able to include the title in the meta description <xen:container var="$head.description"> <meta name="description" content="{$thread.title} - {xen:helper snippet, $firstPost.message, 155}" /></xen:container> Thanks!
  4. JoseFebus

    XF 1.2 Modifying the Meta Description

    Hi, I what to include the post title in the Meta Description. I noticed in the PAGE_CONTAINER ther is this code <xen:if is="{$head}"><xen:foreach loop="$head" value="$headElement">{xen:raw $headElement}</xen:foreach></xen:if> But I have no Idea where to assign the new value to the...
  5. JoseFebus

    XF 1.2 Pinterest Support

    Hi All, Is there a way to add Pinterest support to xenForo? I tried a resource but I get "Sorry! Sorry we could not fetch the image"
  6. JoseFebus

    Pinterest Pin It Share Button

    I installed it but when trying to use it I get " Sorry! Sorry we could not fetch the image " Any idea if I have to change something?
  7. JoseFebus

    XF 1.1 Table 'tm_xen_v02.xf_deferred' doesn't exist

    Hi All, I am trying to update to 1.21 and I am getting this error "Table 'tm_xen_v02.xf_deferred' doesn't exist"... Any idea on how to continue?
  8. JoseFebus

    HOME PAGE : Wordpress, Custom PHP Code or Add-On

    Hi All, I moved my website from vBulletin. Back in those days I was using vbadvance as the home page for my forum. In my forum I have sections that are articles and I want to have a nice new home page to present random articles (excerpts) from different areas, have some features articles in...
  9. JoseFebus

    XF 1.1 Search not finding posts!

    Hi All, I am having a weird error, the search is not finding the text in the post titles. I am searching my forum for a specific word and it's giving me different reports! I noticed the URL for the search results have different IDs: (...
  10. JoseFebus

    XF 1.1 Latest Member: Is not updated

    Sorry for the question! It was a cache setting in XenPorta! :-(
  11. JoseFebus

    XF 1.1 Latest Member: Is not updated

    Hi, I noticed the Latest Member: field in the sidebar is still showing the admin from the VB import. After that I have created and confirmed several users and Admin is still showing as the Latest Member. Any help?
  12. JoseFebus

    XF 1.2 Help needed with rewrites from vBSEO

    OOPS! I read that the xf_import_log needs to have data... I restored it and now it's working!
  13. JoseFebus

    XF 1.2 Help needed with rewrites from vBSEO

    Hi all! I just implemented the steps, but my links are redirecting to the home page. Is this an old VB link This is what the rewrite in .htaccess creates and this is the...
  14. JoseFebus

    XF 1.1 How to configure AVATARs?

    Hi All, I am new to xenFORO and still struggling with some features. I am currently stuck on how to allow users to select from the AVATARs located in the xenforo/avatars folder. How can I do that? Any configuration I must change? Thanks
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