Recent content by José Guedes

  1. José Guedes


  2. José Guedes

    I Dunno LOL ¯\(°_o)/¯

    I Dunno LOL ¯\(°_o)/¯
  3. José Guedes

    Minecraft Style

    It seems pretty buggy as 1.1 beta 4 was installed...
  4. José Guedes

    Show post has been edited? forums have a system implemented that does that...
  5. José Guedes

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    I get this error on the Facebook Module: There was an error fetching the like box for the specified page. Anyone know why this happens?
  6. José Guedes

    Where is 1.1?

    Take your time Kier, I am going for vacations for a week. :P
  7. José Guedes

    Where is 1.1?

    Nahh kidding!
  8. José Guedes

    We're doomed...

    We're doomed...
  9. José Guedes

    Oh noes...

    Oh noes...
  10. José Guedes

    Xenforo and CPanel - 500 Internal Error

    Reinstalled the whole Server, and used the right stuff this time, now its working! It's not yet on the subdomain, but in time it will. Thanks for everyone that helped!
  11. José Guedes

    SteamCommunity integration (like FaceBook)

    I'll see what I can do when I get my XenForo back...
  12. José Guedes

    Xenforo and CPanel - 500 Internal Error

    Gonna recompile Apache without EAccelerator... Thanks for everyone's support... And sorry for this taking so long... I think I should go rest a bit... 2:30 AM and I have school tommorow...
  13. José Guedes

    Xenforo and CPanel - 500 Internal Error It shows up now, but as soon as I put the username and password, it goes 500 [Mon Jun 27 02:02:03 2011] [error] [client] [Mon Jun 27 02:02:03 2011 [Mon Jun 27 02:02:03 2011] [error] [client] ] [notice]...
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