Recent content by JonD04

  1. JonD04

    XF 1.5 How do I edit Discord embeds?

    My embed when I post a direct link to my website on Discord always says "Forum software by XenForo" Is there a way I can change it to something custom?
  2. JonD04

    XF 1.5 "Welcome to Material"

    To clarify, this message looks like this: and as I said, only appears when you're logged in. And the register button does nothing
  3. JonD04

    XF 1.5 "Welcome to Material"

    I just paid for someone to set up xenforo for me and when I'm logged in (and not when I'm logged out) there's a huge message under my "Forums" tab that says "Welcome to Material". I need to know how to either disable this message or change the text and make it only appear for players that are...
  4. JonD04

    XF 2.0 Just got XenForo, don't understand the installation instructions

    Alright, I followed these exactly and nothing happens. Any help?
  5. JonD04

    XF 2.0 Just got XenForo, don't understand the installation instructions

    I bought a XenForo license about an hour ago and I'm now trying to upload it to my web host. I'm using cPanel. The installation instructions provided by XenForo don't make sense to me. Can someone walk me through it?
  6. JonD04

    GoDaddy clarification?

    Nevermind, solved it. Thank you!
  7. JonD04

    GoDaddy clarification?

    which one of the packages here fit those?
  8. JonD04

    GoDaddy clarification?

    How would I go about getting a hosting package? Apologies for dumb questions
  9. JonD04

    GoDaddy clarification?

    I've never made a site or even bought a domain before. I'm totally new to this. All I know for certain is 1. I have domain with GoDaddy 2. I want to know what I need to do with it to get a function forum site with XenForo Can anyone explain a bit more to me?
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