Recent content by joeyjurjens

  1. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.0 Google Ads not showing

    Oi, I've searched the forum before asking. Nothing fixed it for me. I added this in the advertisement option: This is the code I got from AdSense, which I assume should work? I've tried: Try diffrent browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox Try diffrent devices: iPhone, Android & my PC...
  2. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.1 Automatic User Upgrade not working

    Not yet, I'm waiting for a reply from my hosting service. Do you see any logs in your admin panel?
  3. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.1 Automatic User Upgrade not working

    It seems like it's my hosts fault. You should check the logs at your hosting service. And did you set your IPN in PayPal settings?
  4. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.1 Automatic User Upgrade not working

    Oh, no there's still no logs in the payment provider log. If you mean "Sitemap log" or "oEmbed log", there's nothing in there aswell. I've zero members yet, so I'm not sure if people or bots could have access to it... Edit: Access logs were on my host (sorry). I sent you a PM with details
  5. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.1 Automatic User Upgrade not working

    Yep, the status says "sent". Type IPNTransaction: Executed. & the log is the one I pasted in my other comment, in the "HTML" code tag
  6. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.1 Automatic User Upgrade not working

    Nope, I don't see any logs. PayPal just closed my account too yesterday, so I'll have to fix that too. But, my IPN should be "<"domain">/payment_callback.php " right? Do I need to include the index.php in it too? Edit: In PayPal, the URL it's going to is this...
  7. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.1 Automatic User Upgrade not working

    Hey, I'm trying to setup user upgrades, but it isn't going very well. I've made a option to buy & once bough it should give the member the ViP rank for one month. However, when bought, it says: However, I (as Admin) do not have a option to approve payments?? Then I found this topic...
  8. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.1 404 Not Found - The requested URL was not found on this server.

    I figured this was because I had "Use full friendly URLs " enabled. Sorry!
  9. joeyjurjens

    XF 2.1 404 Not Found - The requested URL was not found on this server.

    Hey, So I moved all my files to the root directory on FTP (before it was in a directory). This caused errors, but what could I expect. So I redo it, so all files where back in the folder. However, now the homepage works, but every Forums just give me the 404 Not Found error. I tried to...
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