Recent content by Joël

  1. Joël

    'Stay logged in' checked automatically.

    Found it now - my mistake. Thanks for your help! :)
  2. Joël

    'Stay logged in' checked automatically.

    I can't find this in login_bar_form: <label for="ctrl_remember" class="rememberPassword"><input type="checkbox" name="remember" value="1" id="ctrl_remember" tabindex="104" /> {xen:phrase stay_logged_in}</label> I'm on XF 1.1.0, maybe that's the reason...?
  3. Joël skins now available

    Wanted to buy the Basik Skin, but I'm not sure if it works with the addon "XenPorta". Does someone have had experiences? Edit: Bought it now :)
  4. Joël

    [Databases] How to import ONLY threads, posts, messages & users?

    The title is clear enough ;) >> How to import ONLY threads, posts, messages & users? MY SITUATION I have a XenForo Installation with over 2'000 users and over 3'500 posts. Now it's incredibly slow - maybe something was messed up in the database by add-ons. I reinstalled the forum in a new...
  5. Joël

    TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

    Maybe it's my fault but does anyone get double & triple posts of one chat 'sentence'? When I write "test" in the chatbox and hit ENTER; My "test" will appear a few times - not everytime but many times. I'm logged in as an Admin. Other users mostly don't have this problem. PS: Darkimmortal, do...
  6. Joël

    TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

    I'm Administrative as PRIMARY - double checked it.
  7. Joël

    TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

    Brogan, you are the man! :) This fixed it. Thanks a lot and sorry for my ignorance. // EDIT I set the permissions correctly for each group [view + shout]. I can't post any shout... ?
  8. Joël

    TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

    Thanks a lot for your fast answer. Sadly, it doesn't show up... Is there something missing? I'm really not a novice when it comes to such things, but this is strange I did it and removed the old code in PAGE_CONTAINER (i had "<xen:include template="dark_taigachat" />" there) - Joël.
  9. Joël

    TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

    Hi anyone, Thanks to the OP for creating such nice addons! :) I can't get the chatbox to show up anywhere? I installed everything perfectly as instructed, the addon shows up, everything should be fine. It's activated and so on. My question: If I want to place it in the sidebar below all other...
  10. Joël

    Where can I change the default font in posts?

    Thanks a ton, Brogan. The support here is just great. I'm glad I supported you guys when I bought a license.
  11. Joël

    Where can I change the default font in posts?

    It seems I must be blind - I can't find the option to change the standard font. I want to change EXACTLY THIS FONT IN THIS POST. :) I will be very thankful if someone could give me a hint. - Joël.
  12. Joël

    testing XenForo...

    testing XenForo...
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