Recent content by Joe Ward

  1. Joe Ward

    California Case Update

  2. Joe Ward

    Hey Martyn! Hope you're doing great! ;)

    Hey Martyn! Hope you're doing great! ;)
  3. Joe Ward

    Howdy y'all. =)

    Howdy y'all. =)
  4. Joe Ward

    Difference between Blogs and Forums

    It's actually not uncommon to see blog comments evolve into a discussion between the commenters and not just responses to the main entry. Your frequency and alert comments are very good. +1
  5. Joe Ward

    Software Project Management - Split from 'Semantic Html'

    You can do the "release early, release often" thing just in a prototype instance - as being done here. That way, it places no direct burden to users to do repeated upgrade installs. Yet, they still get to experience and discuss the changes prior to continued iterative refinement...
  6. Joe Ward

    Software Project Management - Split from 'Semantic Html'

    An orderly process of some kind is a must... but it has to be picked to match the people working the project. Super devs may seem like they are getting by just "winging it"... Nope - they are just following their own basic processes learned from experience. AKA - I'm doing what I know works...
  7. Joe Ward

    tiny house

    Interesting... ;)
  8. Joe Ward

    WOW - 600 members already!

    Thanks Peggy. I wouldn't miss out on all this excitement. ;)
  9. Joe Ward

    WOW - 600 members already!

    #69 here. ;)
  10. Joe Ward

    The Name: xenForo

    Of those mentioned, phpBB was the worst named by far! =) vBulletin was a good name for the time period. XenForo sounds cooler, which will aid its memorability, and our Spanish friends should dig it. ;)
  11. Joe Ward

    vBSEO to xenSEO

    What category would those products be in (if not SEO) Mert? ;)
  12. Joe Ward

    Implemented [Suggestons] Smilies

    +1 for Shelley's smilies.
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