Recent content by JerseyJim434

  1. JerseyJim434

    Total cost to outsource the creation of a forum?

    Ok, now the basic of basic questions. What would the total cost be to have consultant build the xenforo forum? I am working on a proposal to a potential alliance partner. This is a non relatd example of my question and what I mean by “build”. So the cost of the liscense ,etc is easy to get. What...
  2. JerseyJim434

    Total cost to outsource the creation of a forum?

    Ok, now the basic of basic questions. What would the total cost be to have consultant build the xenforo forum? I am working on a proposal to a potential alliance partner
  3. JerseyJim434

    How to find some to build my forum

    I have an idea for a forum, but no tech skils. So I would need someone to build it
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