Recent content by jdlmont

  1. jdlmont

    CodeForum - A coding community

    I logged into Xenforo today with the intention of finding a cool new little forum to join and burn some time on (that it is a developer forum is all the better). Looks great - I registered. I am looking forward to seeing where this goes.
  2. jdlmont

    XF2 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    I have an article in my Wiki, but the default page when clicking the Navbar still displays as "The requested page could not be found." I have to from that page manually click on the Pages subnavigation element to get to an actual page. How do I change this? edit: Nevermind I figured that part...
  3. jdlmont

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) [Paid]

    I'm having trouble with the permissions. If a user creates a forum within the discussion section of their group and selects the option to not allow members to post (only moderators), it doesn't allow the group moderators / admins to post nor the actual admins and moderators of the website
  4. jdlmont

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Yeah to be honest this feature is pretty useless right now. I've just had it disabled and leave the menu entry option on so users can see how many people are in the Discord and join through that if they wish.
  5. jdlmont | RPG Gamedev Community & Tools

    Thank you! We were trying to capture more of a retro gaming feel. I'm glad that people like it. Thanks! I used and modified the language settings to make it more fitting for my website.
  6. jdlmont | RPG Gamedev Community & Tools

    Thanks! One thing in particular I was worried about was the site color scheme being too much of a strain on people's eyes, but it seems to be everyone is enjoying it so yay
  7. jdlmont | RPG Gamedev Community & Tools

    Thanks! My bad, we did a lot of custom work to the base theme yesterday to make it original and unique to our niche. I just forgot to update the thread here.
  8. jdlmont | RPG Gamedev Community & Tools

    Updated the thread with some more information about the community. We've rebranded recently. I hope the new name better reflects the niche we're aiming to build our community around. Looking for any feedback or constructive criticism Thanks
  9. jdlmont

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) [Paid]

    How can I change the default landing page for groups to be the About rather than News Feed?
  10. jdlmont

    Goodbye forums, Hello Facebook groups!

    Great. Just what the internet needed: even more centralization...
  11. jdlmont | RPG Gamedev Community & Tools RPG Origin is a community dedicated to assisting in the hobbyist and indie endeavor of creating 2D online role playing games. From downloadable resources, guides, and community-driven help forums, we are the perfect place to explore the wonderful world of...
  12. jdlmont

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    I purchased this mod today and everything appears to be working aside from the navigation bit. The Discord navigation element never actually shows up, despite me trying both the show & w/online count options:
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