Recent content by jazzwitherspoon

  1. J

    Meme Ideas So, the idea behind my website is that people can talk about anything (think Seinfeld/4Chan). I have separated out topical forums to try and draw different groups to my site at the behest of a friend. Currently, people have to register to post due to spamming (which...
  2. J

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    So, about an hour or so ago, when I went to access my home page, I received the following error: An exception occurred: Undefined index: limit in /home/*username*/public_html/library/EWRporta/Block/RecentNews.php on line 7 XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in EWRporta/Block/RecentNews.php...
  3. J

    Is there a way to use http and https with Xenforo

    I'm going to preface this post by saying I am still learning about what SSL entails, and the differences between http and https, so I will probably misspeak at some point. My website host, WebHostingHub, charges $100/year for a dedicated SSL certificate. I may end up going that route when I...
  4. J

    I cannot verify Google Webmaster Tools with my forum

    Thank a lot for that recommendation. It worked perfectly. It still bothers me that Google can't verify my site through the asynchronous code method, though.
  5. J

    I cannot verify Google Webmaster Tools with my forum

    I have Xenforo 1.1 installed on my forum at, and I also have Xenporta installed as the portal page. I have my Google Analytics ID added to the Xenforo setup options, and that seems to work, as my Analytics page is reporting traffic to my site. However, when I try to verify...
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