Recent content by James_Husum

  1. J

    XF 2.2 Increase number of poll answers?

    Is there a way to increase the number of answers for a poll beyond 10? We wanted to go up to 15 but I'm not finding a way to up the limit from 10 answers to 15.
  2. J

    XF 2.2 Remove the 'security team has issued ...' message?

    Thanks for the assist. I found it in the Phrases section and updated it appropriately.
  3. J

    XF 2.2 Remove the 'security team has issued ...' message?

    Above the login form on our site we have the message: The security team has issued the following report regarding your request for accessing the forum at Holly's Writing Classes. This browser is not logged in to Holly's Writing Classes. as a result we are unable to verify the eligibility of the...
  4. J

    XF 2.2 API missing after upgrade?

    We got this working. Had to update the .htaccess file. Kudos to Alex Mangini for the assist.
  5. J

    XF 2.2 API missing after upgrade?

    We just upgraded from Xenforo 1.5.8 to 2.2.8. We created a SuperUser API Key and enabled full friendly URLs. However, when we go to: we are getting a 404 message: 2/var/www/html/ho/
  6. J

    XF 2.2 Accessing the API URL

    Then why is it redirecting back to the front page of the site instead of giving me the JSON array? We're trying to troubleshoot a plug-in and that is part of what is causing us problems.
  7. J

    XF 2.2 Accessing the API URL

    Shouldn't I be seeing something at least? Instead of it returning to the site homepage? Like this: errors 0 code "no_api_key_in_request" message "No API key was included in the request." params []
  8. J

    XF 2.2 Accessing the API URL

    As I understand it, we should be able to see something when we go to but when I hit that on our site it is redirecting us back to the site root. What should I be looking for to see why this is happening? ETA: I've tried this with friendly URLS both activated and...
  9. J

    Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.8. to 2.2.8

    Yes, changed everything in the admin area. It's the PHP that is giving me the problems. OK, good to know. Part of what we're doing is having to move to a new server with a newer version of PHP on it, and test the upgrade process. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything else. Thanks!
  10. J

    Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.8. to 2.2.8

    OK, another question. I followed the steps in the 'how to duplicate a live site to use as a test site' instructions you linked to in your previous post. We got the database set up, imported the data into it from the current live site, created a new directory on the server to copy the files into...
  11. J

    Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.8. to 2.2.8

    Excellent!. Thanks for the help.
  12. J

    Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.8. to 2.2.8

    OK. We currently have the new version (2.2.8) it set up on a test domain to make sure that everything will work after we upgrade PHP on the server. Forgive me for being dense, but I want to make sure that I understand the process. Instead of doing a fresh install of 2.2.8 on the test server we...
  13. J

    Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.8. to 2.2.8

    So, we can't do an upgrade from the old Xenforo 1.5.8 system at all then? Does that mean we have to scrap the threads / conversations / etc. we've built up and just start over from scratch?
  14. J

    Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.8. to 2.2.8

    Awesome! Thanks for the replies!
  15. J

    Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.8. to 2.2.8

    I'm working with author Holly Lisle and we're trying to upgrade and move her current forum. The forum currently runs on Xenforo 1.5.8. The site is being upgraded to a newer version of PHP. We need to be able to move the threads and private messages from the old forum over to the new...
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