Recent content by James Z

  1. James Z

    XF 2.0 How to include user profile status above in signature?

    I need to add the user profile status message above the user signature. I think the template I need to modify is message_macros but I don't know which variable stores the profile status message. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this?
  2. James Z

    XF 2.0 How to edit @imagePath and use it on templates?

    I might be confused since this option used to exist in XF1. So can I set @imagePath to /the-path-needed/img.jpg in extra.less and then it'll be called when the CSS is parsed?
  3. James Z

    XF 2.0 How to edit @imagePath and use it on templates?

    I'm creating an add-on with common template modifications to be applied on several XF2 sites. Images and other resources paths vary from site to site and, I've seen that I can use @imagePath on templates to set paths dynamically, where can I edit what value is stored in @imagePath? Thanks
  4. James Z

    Duplicate Migration Error From vB5 to XF2.0.9

    Came up with this error while trying to migrate a test forum from vB5 to XF 2.0.9. XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1406]: Data too long for column 'old_id' at row 1 in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 212 XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at...
  5. James Z

    XF 2.0 How to show total registered users on template?

    On XF 1 this can be done using {xen:number $boardTotals.users}, what's the equivalent code for this on XF2?
  6. James Z

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Thanks! I though Item ID field required more than just the number.
  7. James Z

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    How do dynamic positions work? I want to display an ad below x thread item and below x post. I've noticed that this is set by the Data-Position parameter, where can I edit that?
  8. James Z

    XF 1.5 Creating a Xen link on a template syntax

    How do I add the user filter with this syntax? or categories IDs, I can make it work out either way.
  9. James Z

    XF 1.5 Creating a Xen link on a template syntax

    I want to create a xen link in a Xenforo template: Does anybody know how to convert an URL? from this format:[user][0]=8264 to this one: <a>href="{xen:link search/search, ''...
  10. James Z

    Fixed vB4 Blog import Bug

    I've set up a Xeforo 2 test installation to import the blogs from a vB4 forum. But I'm getting this error right from the start: InvalidArgumentException: Received invalid UTF-8 for string column [about] in src/XF/Import/Data/EntityEmulator.php at line 79 XF\Import\Data\EntityEmulator->set() in...
  11. James Z

    An overall health check

    Hi, I'm starting a conversation to further discuss this.
  12. James Z

    Need Forum Setup

    Hi, we'd be glad to help you out. I'm starting a conversation to discuss further.
  13. James Z

    Xenforo Developer Opportunity

    Hello, great choice moving to Xenforo, you won't regret it. We have over 5 years of experience on this platform and over 10 in everything related to forum management, from migrations to addons and optimization. We'd love to work side by side with you guys. I'll start a conversation to discuss...
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