Recent content by iKODEAK

  1. iKODEAK

    Increase the 50 Character forum title limit

    For xf 2 you have to look at file /src/XF/Entity/Node.php find row $structure->columns = [ 'node_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'autoIncrement' => true, 'nullable' => true], 'title' => ['type' => self::STR, 'maxLength' => 50, 'required' =>...
  2. iKODEAK

    XF 2.0 [SOLVED] Custom CSS stylesheet in template

    Hi everyone How can i include css files direct in global css ?
  3. iKODEAK

    Hide contents of BBcode code, html and php to guest

    An interesting modification, maybe you create a tag for hiding information? It will be great =)
  4. iKODEAK


    Changes: 1. Displays statistics and a list of users cleared to the bottom. 2. Removed the display of the Administrators Forum 3. Removed the navigation bar to the bottom of the forum 4. Added some style elements to the mapping forums 5. Fixed Width forum 6. Some items which I...
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