Recent content by ier45

  1. I

    Combine reports to forum into one thread per reported post

    We use the feature that turns reports into a thread in a specified forum. I prefer this approach because it fits more naturally with how other forum discussions occur. However, one major issue is that we often get many reports for the same behavior (e.g., spam), resulting in many threads for a...
  2. I

    XF 2.2 Ads between threads in forum view

    Bumping this thread, as I'm trying to do something similar. I've modified the forum_view thread loop (capturing the loop variable i to use in the conditional, then adding a conditional on i). Is there a way to get the added content to "look" like another thread (separators, etc.)?
  3. I

    XF 2.2 Content (ad) within thread list

    I found and I'll post there.
  4. I

    XF 2.2 Content (ad) within thread list

    Is it possible to put content (an ad) after the nth thread within the thread list? I know how to do this for the nth post, and I found from XF 1 but not an equivalent for XF 2.
  5. I

    New unsubscribe system is great

    This isn't a suggestion; it's more of a thank you and please keep this feature. The new unsubscribe link added to e-mails is great. I really like that the "stop all emails" option literally means everything (all subscribed forums and threads, new conversation emails, news and update emails, and...
  6. I

    Not planned Center Save Button

    @Chris D, do you mind sharing how you got the button centered? Thank you! ETA: it looks like one can use rowtype="simple" and that centers it.
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