Recent content by ibnesayeed

  1. ibnesayeed

    Implemented Password-less Login Using Web Authentication API (WebAuthn)

    Apple, Google, and Microsoft are joining forces to push passwordless sign-ins. Below are two highlights of the new capabilities that will address some concerns raised by @digitalpoint above...
  2. ibnesayeed

    Lack of interest Alternate Tag Separators

    It would be difficult to educate users to use a different technique than what the XF system says and the intuition they have built from other places. The tag entry modal window has the following help text:
  3. ibnesayeed

    Lack of interest Alternate Tag Separators

    I made the following change manually: $ diff js/xf/token_input.js.back js/xf/token_input.js 10c10 < tokens: [','], --- > tokens: [',', '،'], 361c361 < (jQuery, window, document); \ No newline at end of file --- > (jQuery, window, document); And replicated this change...
  4. ibnesayeed

    Lack of interest Alternate Tag Separators

    Hey @Chris D we have migrated our forum to XF2.2 from XF1.5 recently. We are facing this issue again in the new system and we could not figure out (yet) what to do to allow tag entry to recognize other forms of tag separators.
  5. ibnesayeed

    Won't fix Profile name legibility issue with tricky banner image colors

    I am not sure either, otherwise I would have been more explicit about a suggestion in the first place. I mentioned backdrop-filter and mix-blend-mode properties to do some experiments with and see if anything works. I guess we need a good set of test cases with challenging backgrounds and text...
  6. ibnesayeed

    Won't fix Profile name legibility issue with tricky banner image colors

    I backdrop-filter is another CSS property that can help in fixing this issue.
  7. ibnesayeed

    Won't fix Profile name legibility issue with tricky banner image colors

    I uploaded a new profile banner image with black curvy lines and transparent background, which caused my name appear in white with black outline/stroke/shadow. In the full profile view it is not very legible and in the tooltip mode the background color beneath the text is the same as without any...
  8. ibnesayeed

    Fixed Furling fails when a URL is copied from Chrome address bar

    It indeed is fixed now.
  9. ibnesayeed

    Fixed Furling fails when a URL is copied from Chrome address bar

    Yes, I do not see any problems here, especially since it is surrounded by other text, so furling it might be odd in certain situations.
  10. ibnesayeed

    Fixed Furling fails when a URL is copied from Chrome address bar

    There is a different in the two pasted blocks above. The former copied HTML markup for the link while the latter was in plain text, but after the rendition, there was an automatic [URL unfurl="true"] BB Code added.
  11. ibnesayeed

    Fixed Furling fails when a URL is copied from Chrome address bar

    Copied from your post and used Ctrl+V below: i am noticing however that if i copy/cut rich text inside the editor like this: and paste using control+shift+v in chrome, it is not being pasted as raw text but the...
  12. ibnesayeed

    Fixed Furling fails when a URL is copied from Chrome address bar

    Ob my end Ctrl+Shift+V works as expected, that is, it pastes the plain text, all the formatting removed.
  13. ibnesayeed

    Fixed Furling fails when a URL is copied from Chrome address bar

    var ed = XF.Element.getHandler($('.js-editor'), 'editor'); // undefined'paste.beforeCleanup', function(content) { console.log(content); }); // undefined After registering...
  14. ibnesayeed

    Fixed Furling fails when a URL is copied from Chrome address bar

    I will take that! ;) Let me know if you want me to look for anything in the Chrome DevTools or some other means to provide more insights.
  15. ibnesayeed

    Fixed Furling fails when a URL is copied from Chrome address bar

    I use uBlock ad blocker, could that be interfering with it?
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