Recent content by IanC

  1. IanC

    Windows 10 Forums

    Thanks! No plugins for this one, all I did was edit the thread_view template and add in a bit of custom code :). I'm away from my main PC at the moment, but I can take a look at exporting the template changes as an addon. Yeah I was a little uncertain about the logo, but had to knock something...
  2. IanC

    Windows 10 Forums

    Thanks! It's the XF Resources plugin, with some phrase name changes :).
  3. IanC

    Windows 10 Forums

    Thanks folks! :D Yep, I struggled to find appropriate Windows 10 style icons for some of the forums, so had to resort to the older Windows Vista/7 style ones. If you spot any appropriate, please do let me know and I'll swap them over :).
  4. IanC

    Windows 10 Forums

    We've created a Windows 10 Forum to partner our existing series of sites (7, 8, etc...) and of course it's running XenForo :D: Windows 10 Forums I'd be really interested to hear your feedback about the site, particularly the layout and if it seems appealing to post as a new user.
  5. IanC

    Windows 8 Forums

    Thanks Shelley, I'll join the footer bit up now!
  6. IanC

    Windows 8 Forums

    Thanks, all fixed :). Yeah, like Forsaken mentioned it will be around for quite some time - so I guess the forum will still be around for a while :).
  7. IanC

    Windows 8 Forums

    Thanks lazer! :D
  8. IanC

    Windows 8.1 Announced

    I really do hope they bring back the start menu in "Blue"- I see questions on how to bring back this feature so often from non-tablet Windows 8 users. I don't think it's a retrograde step by doing so, as the start screen just doesn't work as well for most people using desktop PCs.
  9. IanC

    Windows 8 Forums

    I've made a reasonably big update to the theme (old screenshots are above) - I'd really like to know what you think in comparison :D.
  10. IanC

    Xenforo, Canonical URLs & 'Not Selected' URLs in GWT

    Yes, I migrated - but I only redirected a handful of threads. I looked at another fresh XF site and that too has the same problem with almost a million "not selected" URLs and only a small number of threads. I did some more digging and it looks like Google may be trying to index search links -...
  11. IanC

    Xenforo, Canonical URLs & 'Not Selected' URLs in GWT

    I've also got a crazy number of "not selected" URLS - almost a million on a forum with just a few hundred threads... Seems like something isn't correct, surely? There's nothing other than an XF installation on the domain.
  12. IanC

    Will you upgrade to Windows 8?

    Maybe I'm bias, so I'll hold off on answering ;). If you are interested in upgrading to Windows 8, I have my XenForo license powering (if you join, do say hi, as it would be good to have some XF'ers over there). There are some free start menu alternatives listed in this...
  13. IanC

    Windows 8 Forums

    Thanks! That's done the trick :D
  14. IanC

    Windows 8 Forums

    Thanks Shelley - that also looks much better! :) I'll take a look at the code now and see if I can change it. edit: Just tried it, but it messed something else up - so will have a tinker later on.
  15. IanC

    Windows 8 Forums

    Thanks - I've added that now :). Looks much nicer! I'll be re-doign the template from scratch once it's released, but this makes the current one look more polished.
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