Recent content by i9hdkill

  1. i9hdkill

    [tl] Minecraft Avatar [Paid]

    This plugin is broken since Mojang removed the namehistory api. I guess its now needed to fetch the uuid and save it in column
  2. i9hdkill

    [tl] Minecraft Avatar [Paid]

    Also it would be quite good if the plugin maintains an uuid column in xf_users. That uuid will be populated when the users registers(Maybe create a task in the admin panel aswell, that fetches all those uuids) If the user tries to change the username in the forum, the forum checks mojang via the...
  3. i9hdkill

    [tl] Minecraft Avatar [Paid]

    I will be glad to pay you 20$ extra if you add those two features. Not sure how it works now, but guess the addon gets the useravatar each time the avatar is loaded anywhere on the page? But if so, it would be good if it only loaded once if the user relogs or via a refresh button like in the...
  4. i9hdkill

    [tl] Minecraft Avatar [Paid]

    Does this addon work on Xenforo 2.1? Features from this addon would be great: Showing username and skin head in "About" member section Minecraft avatar is reloading every time when user is logging in. It also can be reloaded directly via special button in account details Pictures can be found...
  5. i9hdkill

    [OzzModz] Gamer Profiles

    Doesn't feel right, but thanks, didn't knew about that
  6. i9hdkill

    [OzzModz] Gamer Profiles

    Is this going to be fixed? I don't really want a second life field in a minecraft forum were some childs are around. Thanks for the awesome addon btw. And it's free
  7. i9hdkill

    UI.X 2

    Okay tracked down the issue with the default UI.X font. This how it looks on a UHD screen: Everything is bold and ugly. But it looks cool on my mobile and laptop that has a 1080p screen. When using the default theme all looks cool. Event on my UHD screen: My typography settingy are...
  8. i9hdkill

    XF2 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    No, as I am not quite sure what is going on
  9. i9hdkill

    XF2 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    Found the error. We imported old data from Xenforo 1 and probably something got wrong. We have this template: Using it here for example: But it translates to this:
  10. i9hdkill

    XF2 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    Getting this whenever users visiting the wiki Xenforo 2.1.2 XenCarta
  11. i9hdkill

    [TH] User Improvements [Deleted]

    BattleNet login seems to be broken. Seems pops up when trying to connect my forums acc with BattleNet The integration test is successfull, but not showing any information unlike other integration tests
  12. i9hdkill

    XF 2.1 Unsubscribe connection error: host doesn't allow connection - Timeout hangs whole webserver process for that time

    Hello, we are using the new unsubscribe email handler. Or at least we are trying to use it. These are our settings regarding this feature: I tripple checked the connections details. Logged in via different e-mail clients, no login issues and the mail can receive...
  13. i9hdkill

    UI.X 2

    The addon update fixes these errors, thanks
  14. i9hdkill

    UI.X 2

    The thread title and metadata are pretty much in the void. Is there a way to move that into a box or container? We are not happy with the font that looks as it would be bold even if it isn't it. Can I simply revert it back to UI.X 1 style? Like Arial or similiar? I found a font settings...
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