Recent content by hugh71158

  1. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    Well, after much ado I have decided to do a clean install. I absolutely appreciate your replies. :-) Hugh
  2. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    Jake, do you mean access to my XenForo control panel, or my ISP account? Thanks
  3. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    :-) Lost me there. Restart?
  4. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    Nope, it just doesn't want to play. Still not working. Yeah, I see the red text now. I had copied it into a new .htaccess file, losing the color formatting. (slaps palm to forehead!) Does it matter that the root folder is completely empty at the moment? I guess it shouldn't. Oh well, if it...
  5. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    Wait, yes, now I see it. lol. Didn't work though.
  6. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    Hi, no, still wont work with friendly URL's checked. Did you sent the right file? I'm not seeing the difference between the .htaccess I posted and the one you posted. :-)
  7. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    Ah, if I switch off the "friendly URL's" then it all works. Is that the best solution? The site (work in progress!) is now at .htaccess says: # Mod_security can interfere with uploading of content such as attachments. If you # cannot attach files, remove...
  8. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    Wow, fast response. Thanks. Yes, it's in the sub-directory. I moved all files into it
  9. hugh71158

    XF 1.1 Moved Installation Woes

    Hi, so, I have my software installed in the root folder, and I want to move it into a sub folder like so: I created the sub folder, copied all files into it, and changed the URL in the ACP. If I go to the new URL, I find my forum. But, any forum links that I click just...
  10. hugh71158

    Rant: I hate the Forum Home, it sucks.

    Hmm, interesting thread. I guess the familiar format is a good thing - but yes, old and boring. Being a beginner at this, and trying to put something together right now, I decided to play with coloring the sections for about 10 minutes tonight. I think someone needs to tell me that it...
  11. hugh71158

    Can I place a welcome message above the forum lists?

    ha ha, of course I meant 3am!!!!
  12. hugh71158

    Can I place a welcome message above the forum lists?

    lol, no problem Morgain. Wait, I'm from Scotland, but in the US now - aren't you in the UK? After 3pm there by my calculations. Well, since you invited me to ask more, I have another. :-) The Notice land under the Forum title - can it be re-arranged? It just seems to me that the Notice...
  13. hugh71158

    Can I place a welcome message above the forum lists?

    See, I didn't know that existed either. But then I bought Xenforo about a year ago (was the "like" available then?) played for a while, realized most of it was above my head, and ran for the hills. Back for more punishment. :-)
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