Recent content by hotwheels

  1. hotwheels

    Support of xenforo

    I hope that is the case, i will buy a license if that is the case and help support the fight.
  2. hotwheels

    Support of xenforo

    Sadly, XenForo may not be allowed to sell any licenses until a judge states other wise. Therefore i would be willing to help donate to a war chest for XenForo and help fight Bob Brisco's company in court.
  3. hotwheels

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    here are some interesting articles about Internet Brand selling of it's company:
  4. hotwheels

    Internet Brands claims against XenForo

    Great article The Law.......Would you think if IB is selling the vb software, that this could have more to do with the law suite? I would think if IB is selling that part of the company and the deal isn't complete, IB would have allot to loose if there is competition.
  5. hotwheels

    Support of xenforo

    XenForo owner should start a donation option within the site. I would donate to help pay legal bills to help bring the software live.
  6. hotwheels

    Will this be the end of vBulletin?

    I read an article yesterday that IB sold, is that correct? If so, maybe the new owners of the software will be friendlier to customers. Jelsoft was a great company in my humble opinion and i looked forward to upcoming changes. After IB bought them and played all the mind games that it did, it...
  7. hotwheels

    Building a rat rod......yea

    Building a rat rod......yea
  8. hotwheels

    Defeating XenForo.

    I am a vbulletin hater, and i hope you can buy xenforo........
  9. hotwheels

    Will this be the end of vBulletin?

    I would feel bad for sites such as mine that are running VB, but i stopped upgrading at 3.8 and i am very willing to stay there forever.....Or if xen wins in court, i will move to their software.
  10. hotwheels

    Support of xenforo

    I totally agree, but if there is a suite filed in any court, it takes money to fight. Lawyers need to be paid for, court cost's need to be covered, ect.......I just hope they have the time and money to go to court against internet brands. Internet brands is a terribly run company and will...
  11. hotwheels

    Will this be the end of vBulletin?

    I wish it was the end for vbulletin. I grew so sick of the underhanded tricks they tried to pull by raising prices and banning licensed owners. I for one hope they file bankruptcy.
  12. hotwheels

    Support of xenforo

    I sure hope you guys can fight in court. Vb has been out of control and they need new competition. You all have my support, good luck
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