Recent content by hCaptcha

  1. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    Right now the enterprise version is invite-only, but we'll likely make a formal announcement this year. If you happen to run a large or high-value site with a fraud problem you can direct message me for more info, and we can figure out whether it'd be useful for you.
  2. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    The limitation there is that there are malicious humans as well, so an ideal system should be able to distinguish multiple types of abusive behavior. In our case, for enterprise customers we provide a granular stream of abuse analysis they can use to evaluate whether a particular new user or...
  3. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    A pass is not in fact always a pass. You can read a bit more about this approach here:
  4. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    Try opening an incognito window in a different browser and you'll likely see captchas fail as you expect. What happens behind the scenes is fairly complicated, but we shouldn't give too many public details about that. However, the general idea is hardly new...
  5. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    Well, the reason we're posting here is that sites using XenForo have already asked us to support it. We'd like to be good advocates for our users and make it simple for them to use us. If the XF devs tell us a plugin is the right answer then perhaps we'll go down that route.
  6. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    That's correct. Whether they answer the hCaptcha correctly is just one of many pieces of info combined into a final bot score. That said, particular detection strategies used are not something we discuss in public for obvious reasons.
  7. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    No: we've been running in beta for a while now with real users. After signup you'll be automatically taken off the waiting list within 1-72 hours depending on the current signup backlog, whether you look like a bot, etc.
  8. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    Other captcha services are built in directly, so following that model seems like the right answer to make it equally convenient for our users.
  9. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    Hello, Some of our users for have requested XenForo support. Since XenForo offers a variety of built-in captchas already, it seems like the best answer is to directly integrate hCaptcha as well. Our API is compatible with reCAPTCHA, so it typically takes only a few minutes to...
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