Recent content by HannahP

  1. HannahP

    How to archive a XenForo forum to make it read-only

    I've been paying for a license that doesn't expire for more than 10 years. That's not the question or an issue. My question is whether anyone knew of software or a service that would make a copy. If not (and I suspect not, since I sure tried to find a good one, but couldn't), that's fine. :)
  2. HannahP

    How to archive a XenForo forum to make it read-only

    If you know of a program or service that will do that, please let me know. I haven't found one yet that will create a stand-alone, mirror-image copy of a Xenforo forum (or, I would imagine any other similar forum or site). They always create a copy that's broken in one way or another, and...
  3. HannahP

    Creating a static copy or archive of a forum

    Has anyone ever created a static copy of a forum to leave online as an archive? I don't want to make the forum read-only, I want to copy it - so it is still readable without relying on the database. It seems like it should be possible, but I'm looking for tools and the only thing that comes...
  4. HannahP

    XF 2.1 A funny thing happened on the way to testing the beta

    Yeah, I changed config.php to point to the copy of the database. But I never rule out the possibility that I screwed up, so you may be on to something. Thanks for the replies.
  5. HannahP

    XF 2.1 A funny thing happened on the way to testing the beta

    Okay. Well, I had to restore a database backup so I'm back up and running (minus the last 16 hours of posts). I'd sure like to know what happened though. If anyone else was ever stuck in maintenance mode I'd appreciate learning anything you know about why it happened.
  6. HannahP

    XF 2.1 A funny thing happened on the way to testing the beta

    Let's try this then, what would make a forum that's working normally become stuck in maintenance mode? Worse yet, what would cause the maintenance mode message to be displayed in admin when I try to go to any admin link?
  7. HannahP

    XF 2.1 A funny thing happened on the way to testing the beta

    I did not have two installs on the same domain. I wanted to test the beta, so I installed on a different domain using a copy of my live forum database. Then my live forum died.
  8. HannahP

    XF 2.1 A funny thing happened on the way to testing the beta

    I know we're not supposed to install XF on a domain it's not licensed for, but I did anyway, since I remember reading here somewhere that as long as "test" was in the path it should be okay. Well, it was okay, on the test install. Then I went back to my live forum and find that it's in...
  9. HannahP

    The REAL pandemic threat to humanity - The HYSTERIA VIRUS

    I'm sure the developers would appreciate that. I've learned from painful personal experience that web sites are one of the first things people drop when the economy goes into the toilet (pun intended). And it certainly looks like that's where we're headed. Again.
  10. HannahP

    The REAL pandemic threat to humanity - The HYSTERIA VIRUS

    "The U.S. imports very little toilet paper – less than 10% in 2017. And most of that comes from Canada and Mexico."
  11. HannahP

    100,000 Posts - Congrats Xenforo

    Little did I know...
  12. HannahP

    XF 2.1 One-click upgrades and add-on install/upgrade from ZIP files

    Got to use this for the first time today, quite excellent.
  13. HannahP

    Threadloom Search for XenForo 1.5.x [Deleted]

    I'm still seeing the error.
  14. HannahP

    Threadloom Search for XenForo 1.5.x [Deleted]

    Since upgrading to the 2.1 release candidate I've been getting this error when the "Sync updated posts" cron runs every hour: ErrorException: Threadloom Error, sync halted. If this persists, please contact Threadloom support. Error: failed due to db error: MySQL statement prepare error [1054]...
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