Recent content by hamedshameds

  1. hamedshameds

    XF 2.2 Get users sorting by ascending registration date API

    Yes. Exactly like the filter box in the users list section, the same filter can be done for Get User in API
  2. hamedshameds

    XF 2.2 Get users sorting by ascending registration date API

    We are using the Get User API as per your docs. It shows that we can get a list of users (alphabetically) only. Could you please provide us with the sorting order so that we can list the users in the ascending order as per the...
  3. hamedshameds

    [BS] Live forum statistics [Deleted]

    Hi I think your plugin could be a lot more powerful if you add the following: I think your plugin that can get the most likes (reactions) in the last 24 hours (or a week, or a month) will have a very valuable list. This list can be located in the sidebar or at the top of the main page of the...
  4. hamedshameds

    Add-on Top Liked Posts of The Day/Week/Month

    I need this plugin. @AdamCapriola
  5. hamedshameds

    XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid]

    Is it possible to arrange the display of comments in WordPress as Descending and Ascending?
  6. hamedshameds

    XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid]

    Is it possible to write a new comment text to be added to WordPress through WordPress with this plugin? What if they are guests?
  7. hamedshameds

    XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid]

    Hello @Mangini Does your plugin support right-to-left language sites?
  8. hamedshameds

    Push Wordpress Comments To Associated Thread In Forums

    Hi, I want the same thing. Has this been done after 10 years?
  9. hamedshameds

    XF 2.1 Push notification

    Hi Brogan, Through which table and field in the database can we prepare this report?
  10. hamedshameds

    XF 2.2 import users only (from old xenforo to new xenforo)

    I spoke with support. They told me to use the Importing plugin. But this plugin does not work. I just want to move user information and passwords (blocked users are still blocked) to the new forum. My previous forum is Xenforo 2.2. I do not want the content of conversations and forums to be...
  11. hamedshameds

    XF 2.2 import users only (from old xenforo to new xenforo)

    Hi, I have installed a new XenForo. I just want to transfer user information and passwords from the old Xenforo to the new one. (Content and posts will not be transferred) Please help. Regards
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