Recent content by Halt03410

  1. H

    XF 2.1 Removing User details from posts

    Thank you, I was searching for post & thread.
  2. H

    XF 2.1 Removing User details from posts

    Where would I find the option to remove information in posts such as the users birthday, trophy count, registration date. etc?
  3. H

    XF 2.0 Re-Installing Xenforo

    Despite what I said when I first started this post I decided to remove all the error causing plugins. Everything seems to be working fine minus some resources not loading. Any clue as to what might cause this? As you can see below rather than the icons/images that should be there we now have...
  4. H

    XF 2.0 Re-Installing Xenforo

    All I'm trying to accomplish is saving the threads/posts & users/userinfo & install vanilla 2.0.5. Any way to accomplish this?
  5. H

    XF 2.0 Re-Installing Xenforo

    But isn't there theme data saved on the databases that will cause errors for some if not all users?
  6. H

    XF 2.0 Re-Installing Xenforo

    Hello, so my forums are torn up from the floor. Rather than painstakingly going through everything that's been neglected for a year I'd rather back up the DB's and re-install Xenforo. My support ended at v2.0.5 so that's the version I'm going to install with all my addons that support that...
  7. H

    XF 2.1 Unknown tag fa encountered.

    No sorry my license is at by habit I initially typed my old domain. I realized that my license had expired after you mentioned it. Figured that was the issue.
  8. H

    XF 2.1 Unknown tag fa encountered.

    I set the boards default style and got the same error. This is the setting you were speaking of right? Setup > Options > Appearance > Default
  9. H

    XF 2.1 Unknown tag fa encountered.

    I just recently upgraded my forums and botched hard. Initially my forums were not forums after the upgrade, just looking like a bunch of XML plain text so I went into the admin panel and saw the following There are manual rebuild jobs awaiting completion. but every time I attempt to rebuild I...
  10. H

    XF 2.0 Custom banners

    I am having trouble changing user banners for usergroups. I used the old method in the past where you edit EXTRA.css but it doesn't seem to work in 2.0 I also tried editing app_user_banners.less adding the following &.userBanner--purple { .m-userBannerVariation(black, #b30086); } but to no...
  11. H

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    So this is a dumb question but how would I update this? If I've already purchased it obviously.
  12. H

    XF 1.5 Installing themes error

    So when I attempt to install or update themes on my forums I get and error saying Compiler.php didn't function properly. And it creates this error in my error logs Error Info XenForo_Template_Compiler_Exception: editor_contents.css - Line 80: Invalid math expression -...
  13. H

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    I searched for similar problems but they all seemed to be solved earlier, but for some reason it wont display the steam banner under users posts, only on their profile. I have both permissions enabled, any options I might be overlooking?
  14. H

    XF 1.5 Just need help with sidebars

    I'm trying to remove the current default sidebars that are New posts, and new profile posts. Is there an easy way to customize the sidebars? I've looked around and can only find way to do it through editing your template. I tried using the Xenporta addon but wasn't too fond of it. Any help would...
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