Recent content by Gunny

  1. G

    User upgrade reminder [Paid]

    is this compatible with 2.x or is there another version for 2.x?
  2. G

    XF 2 Custom Table Addon

    @JustinHawk has taken on the project.
  3. G

    XF 2 Custom Table Addon

    Looking for someone to build a custom page addon with a table tabination search ( by field and by text) mysql database table (can be a new table added to xenforo database but not edit existing xenforo tables) 8-12 fields. alternating row colors which color can be set to match themes Addon will...
  4. G

    OzzModz / Snog’s Addon Development Services

    Do you have a separate page for custom addon requests? Looking for someone to build a custom page addon with a table with tabination and search using a mysql database table with 8-10 fields.
  5. G

    XF 2.2 Two conditions to view content

    thanks brogan just wanted to confirm
  6. G

    XF 2.2 Two conditions to view content

    Can a conditional statement be made to check both primary and secondary user groups to limit access to content if( $user->isMemberOf($userGroupId) AND ( $user->isMemberOf($userGroupId)
  7. G

    XF 2.2 Dev License Required?

    Am I right to assume running it at localhost for testing purposes fits the User Agreement stated above and I would not need to purchase a separate license? There is no access to the installation or localhost webpage outside the LAN. It's strictly being used for add-on development.
  8. G

    XF 2.2 Dev License Required?

    I've setup local Laragon with PHP and XenForo on Windows 10 for development using guide. I'm wondering if a Dev License is required for local install of XenForo 2.x before working on add-on creation Also non related dev license question are there...
  9. G

    User upgrade reminder [Paid]

    Few questions: Still compatible with latest version? Also can the email be changed to PM instead of sending emails? Does the add-on only notify once?
  10. G

    XF 2.2 Background Preload Question

    Is there a way to preload background image? having issue with larger background like to preload the image. wondering if it's already implemented or needs to be a custom css and html edit <link rel="preload" href="data/assets/style_properties/mybackground.png" as="image" />
  11. G

    XF 2.2 Custom Template 2.x - memberInfo Tooltip Question

    ok I was adding css edit to wrong place. I was adding to the css of tooltip instead of the extra.less @Brogan thanks for help!
  12. G

    XF 2.2 Custom Template 2.x - memberInfo Tooltip Question

    Working on custom template but having issue with where to edit color for bottom on memberInfo tooltip dialog that pops up when hovering over a member's username. Not sure if this can be edited in the template editor or custom edit needs done elsewhere. I can set the background-color: #000; for...
  13. G

    [Xen-Soluce] Invite System [Paid]

    ok very nice. sold last question: is deleting the add-on the only way to disable it?
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