Recent content by guillemarinsanchez@gmail.

  1. G

    XF 2.2 News on my forum page

    @Brogan @Russ solved, finally i did it with the Style properties -> Node/forum list -> New node title indicator because on the other way didn't worked for me. Thank you both!! :) (y)
  2. G

    XF 2.2 News on my forum page

    Yes, the style is XenBase. I'm going to try to find a solution. Thank you Brogan!!
  3. G

    Style XenBase Framework -

    Hi! Doesn't work with the XenBase style!!
  4. G

    XF 2.2 News on my forum page

    Thank you! I've just changed it (and saved it) but it doesn't work on the forum, it's still exactly the same Any idea of what i'm doing wrong?? :) Thanks for your time and for helping the news, it's a great help (y)
  5. G

    XF 2.2 News on my forum page

    And @Brogan , to take advantage of this thread, do you know if this label with the word NUEVO is an addon or can be changed from xenforo? Thanks again!
  6. G

    XF 2.2 News on my forum page

    Thank you very much Brogan!!! You are the father of my father!! :) (y)
  7. G

    XF 2.2 News on my forum page

    Hi! I want to put the news like you see on this forum, i want to know if it's an extra addon or i can just change it on the admin panel :)
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