Recent content by gtrgriff3

  1. G

    XF 2.2 403 on one single page of my whole forum

    Yes, it did, thank you. That was an easy fix. I changed the name to something else altogether and it works like a champ.
  2. G

    XF 2.2 403 on one single page of my whole forum

    Sorry, I didn't know it would prefetch my working links and I don't know how to change that.
  3. G

    XF 2.2 403 on one single page of my whole forum

    For some reason there is one single page in my whole forum that won't show and gives a 403 error: I can get to the 2nd page at: And from...
  4. G

    XF 1.5 forum returning 403 error all of a sudden?

    Yes, I've seen that reply on other similar posts... but if nothing has changed how would it all of a sudden stop working? I'm on a dedicated machine and the index.php url never changes, only the argument changes so I don't understand how mod_security would affect it, and more importantly why it...
  5. G

    XF 1.5 forum returning 403 error all of a sudden?

    More info in case it helps: The forum is at A working URL - The broken URL -
  6. G

    XF 1.5 forum returning 403 error all of a sudden?

    Sorry, maybe it's not a 403, I get the error: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /forum/index.php on this server. And, like I said, there are 20+ other forums that work fine so it seems odd.
  7. G

    XF 1.5 forum returning 403 error all of a sudden?

    One of my forums that has been working fine until a couple of days ago is all of a sudden giving a 403 error. All other forums work, nothing has changed on the server side, and this forum has worked without a hitch for months so I don't know what changed. Any suggestions?
  8. G

    XF 1.5 Filter new signups by email domain?

    Is there a way to block a certain domain from registering on my forum? I'm getting a lot of spam from one certain domain and while I've turned on most of the spam tools I can find, there are clearly real people behind these and they keep getting around whatever I do. But, they all come from the...
  9. G

    XF 1.5 Maintenance?

    Is there any sort of standard, scheduled maintenance for my xenforo board? I looked and can't find any sort of recommended schedule for doing anything. Obviously I'll want to back stuff up but is there anything other than that I should be doing? If so, how often is typical? Thanks.
  10. G

    XF 1.5 Content from one user to another

    I have a user who has been on my forum for a long time (when it was on the old platform) and when I moved to Xenforo he had trouble getting his old password reset so he just created a new account. He's not married to the old one and said I can delete it, but I'd like for his posts and stuff to...
  11. G

    MG 1.1 how do I moderate?

    Thanks @Martok I have done those things and I think I see how it works now. I am not used to an Admin not having everything a Moderator sees but I get it.
  12. G

    MG 1.1 how do I moderate?

    I did a test upload of an image as a registered user and was told that the image would appear once moderated... But neither my Admin account (which has Super Moderator and Registered secondary groups) nor any of my Super Moderators can see anywhere to moderate that image. I'm sure I'm missing...
  13. G

    XF 1.5 Fatal Error: Allowed memory...

    I see this error in the logs today: ErrorException: Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 12960 bytes) -library/XenForo/Image/Gd.php:78 Stack Trace: #0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError() #1 {main} Request State: array(3) {...
  14. G

    XF 1.5 Default "home" screen

    Thanks, @Mike Can I trouble you to tell me how to modify the login_required phrase? I don't see that in the options and with the underbar it sounds a little more behind the scenes (which is fine, I don't mind getting my hands dirty.) That permissions help is also what I needed, I missed that...
  15. G

    XF 1.5 Default "home" screen

    When someone goes to my forum at they are greeted unceremoniously with "you must be logged in to do that" and a login screen. While I'm all for a login screen, is there some way to modify that action to be a little more user friendly? I tried creating 1 forum (out of...
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