Recent content by gsd103

  1. G

    account privacy

    How can I hide this code from registered members? I want to restrict them from hiding anything. Thanks <xf:title>{{ phrase('privacy') }}</xf:title> <xf:wrap template="account_wrapper" /> <xf:form action="{{ link('account/privacy') }}" ajax="true" class="block" data-force-flash-message="true">...
  2. G

    XF 2.1 Ad on forum post

    How would you add this to the last post? <xf:if is="$post.position % $xf.options.messagesPerPage==0 AND count($__globals.posts)>0"> AD CODE HERE </xf:if>
  3. G

    oman's XenForo Installation/Upgrade Services

    Oman comes through again with another Xenforo install. Great guy to work with and highly recommended.
  4. G

    XF 1.5 New Adsense Placement

    I am trying to place an adsense ad on my forum and can find no tutorial that has the placement I need. I attached a pic to show you the the area on my forum index page. Thanks
  5. G

    oman's XenForo Installation/Upgrade Services

    Oman had my forum up in a few hours after I notified him. He did a great job!
  6. G

    Specialist Services - vBulletin, Big Boards, Custom Imports, Community +Server Management

    I read everyone of these posts, and now I know who to go to when the time comes to move from VB to Xenforo. My largest forum is still VB unfortunately.
  7. G

    XF 1.3 Sidebar Left $

    Thanks Jake but that did not create a New blank Left Sidebar, That just moved them all over to the left side. I remember PM you years ago on VB :) Jake Bunce
  8. G

    XF 1.3 Sidebar Left $

    Create a new blank sidebar on the left of Forum index.
  9. G

    XF 1.3 Sidebar Left $

    I have searched for a sidebar left mod, and came up with old threads. Can someone show me the code for a title and a content area for the left side Forum index? And what template to add it to. Will Paypal you $5 if it works! I do have that Widget mod that has everything oriented right. I am...
  10. G

    XF 1.3 Images next to Titlebar?

    How can I add an image to this area on my index page? Forum Home? Or is that only vb?
  11. G

    XF 1.3 Avatars for Members ?

    Great help Adam! *staff*
  12. G

    XF 1.3 Avatars for Members ?

    Where can a member select a general forum avatar at without them uploading? In VB I uploaded 100 avatars for my members to choose from. Thanks
  13. G

    What Add On is this?

    I want this $$ Paypal to anyone who can do this for me.
  14. G

    What Add On is this?

    I noticed the sideblock contains a map and traffic . What add on is this, or can this be added via admin?
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