Recent content by Gon45

  1. Gon45

    XF 2.2 Alert Not Showing

    Nvm it was resolved.
  2. Gon45

    XF 2.2 Alert Not Showing

    Hello, I am having some trouble with an addon. I put this into my addon code: Code: $alertRepo = $this->repository('XF:UserAlert'); $alertRepo->alertFromUser( $user, $giver, 'cards', $card_id, 'awarded', $extra...
  3. Gon45

    [DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid]

    Hello, I have a question. Before this screencap was taken, my tech admin managed to place the shop items below the badges in postbit: I just updated this addon and it placed the items above the badges as shown above. My tech admin is not around for me to ask how this was done, can you assist...
  4. Gon45

    [DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid]

    We disabled all the addons except shop and still get the error. This is it.
  5. Gon45

    [DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid]

    Nothing modified, not sure about addons but everything is up to date. We do get this error when trying to quick set. Is it related?
  6. Gon45

    [DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid]

    Hello, for some reason we are unable to add prefixes to any of the items. How can we enable it again? Also for some reason we are missing half of the prefixes we had from before. We are unsure which update caused this, but probably from when we updated Xenforo 2.1 to 2.2. We are currently on the...
  7. Gon45

    [TH] Donate

    Hello, I have just purchased this addon and I have a couple of questions. I have displayed the Goal widget on my front page sidebar, is there a way to put a Donate button as well? My second question although not as serious, can the arrow buttons inside the Goal widget be removed? If so how? Thanks!
  8. Gon45

    [AddonFlare] XF2 Awards System [Deleted]

    Is there a way on the front end to organize categories without changing the order number for each one, or is it something being worked for a future update? My site uses a ton of awards and its becoming a hassle to create new categories without changing the order number on all the other ones to...
  9. Gon45

    XF 2.1 Adsense Crawler

    Ill try all of your suggestions and see what happens, thanks to everyone for responding!
  10. Gon45

    XF 2.1 Adsense Crawler

    All ads stopped showing, mobile as well. I can see that it wants access to those conversations but I'm not sure how to go about letting it do that. I assume I have to follow these steps: However, I do not know if I need to...
  11. Gon45

    XF 2.1 Adsense Crawler

    Ill look into this, thanks. Ads stopped showing shortly after I got those crawler errors. I was reading that ads would eventually disappear if it cant crawl. I asked in the adsense community but they dont seem to have experience with Xenforo.
  12. Gon45

    XF 2.1 Adsense Crawler

    Hello, I hope I posted this in the right area. Recently I lost ads on my forum: The error I got was that I had blocked URL's, as show in this attachment: What I can deduce from this is that the crawler cannot access those conversations. Adsense has a page all about blocked...
  13. Gon45

    Flood permissions

    Hello, if Im reading this correctly, this addon allows for limiting Likes per usergroup? So I can set a limit of the number of Likes a user group can do, right?
  14. Gon45

    [DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid]

    Hello, can we change the size of shop items in the postbit and change the spacing between items there? Also how can I change the shop name. Thank you. Here is an example.
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